
Can i use this lamp from seed to harvest?

Jens_420started grow question 2 days ago
I want to build a low low Budget grow setup in a old wardrobe (45x55x150). I found a lamp and some people told me its good for a low Budget setup, but I can't find much about the lamp on the internet, for example experiences or reports about it Its the SANSI 36W Led. Just 1 plant
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 21 hours ago
It would take several bulbs, but you can honestly grow weed with just about any light aside from incandescent bulbs. I've used multiple low watt CFLs, modified florescent lighting, HPS setups, and LEDs. The key is pairing a light setup that best fits your space. It looks like you have a pretty limited footprint(45×55) but also a good bit of headroom(150). I would probably consider a custom build for this project with vertical lighting in the corners(either florescent or LED tubes) and a modest LED light up top, probably no more than 100-150w or heat will start to become an issue. This will allow you to take better advantage of your tall, narrow space by letting your plants grow more vertically.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 days ago
It's a 35w light mate. What really is there to learn You see that graph. It shows its full spectrum. You can get a led board on amazon for like 35$. That would be much better Anywhere from 750-1000ppf is good and will be able to grow from start to finish and achieve buds a big light would
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
above all else -- don't use that light except for maybe seedlings. buy a real grow light. You have about .25 m^2 800 * .25 = 200umol/s PAR or 200PPE/PPF. This will be 800PPFD - for reference on a DLI table to find DLI. 34.6 DLI over 12 hours. I would use that as the minium power you get from a light. 80-100w. Depends on the efficacy. I'd go with the smaller Viparspectra lights. -- says 100 USD on vipar's website. Bet you can find a 10-15% off coupon somewhere too. this ligh will last 5-7 years of constant use. If you only do a couple grows per year, it'll last 20 years or more. This light probably gives off 230-240umol/s. you'd probably run it at 80% power on 12/12 from a normal hanging distance. Maybe 50-55% power in vege. (.67 * 80% = 54%) That was workign with minimum value you want. just for practice what is the max you don't need to go over? 900 * .25 = 225umol/s would be 38.9 DLI. The XS1000 still gives more than that. still a good match. There's your 35-40 dli range with 12 hours of operation. 200-225 umol/s of PAR (PPE or PPF) from any light will do it well. that amounts to 800-900 PPFD. This is what you reference on a DLI table along with hours of operation. simple google search brings one up. Growing autoflowers on 18 hour light schedule? divide the above by 150% (or multiple by 2/3) 200 x .67 = 133 umol/s 225 x .67 = 150 umol/s For autoflowers you'd need 133-150umol/s from your light. Over 18h this gives 35-40 DLI This is also what you'd want to run the photoperiod light in vege. these numbers will be very close to what you want, but always have to adjust relative to the plant growth you see. nodes too tight? reduce light power. nodes too lanky, increase light power. Once you go through that, take notes and it'll be the same next time. every garden has different temps, rh and levels of CO2. every garden will be a bit different as to how much light you can give.
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
1 sq ft of coverage or less.. maybe 10" x 10" would be better for a 12/12 light schedule. With an autoflower, you could do 15" x 15" on an 18/6 schedule. The distribution of a single point of light (essentially what this is) is not very good. So your main cola would be okay, but not much else, i bet. the numbers below are off a bit. 800-900 PPFD is what you want over 12 hours (relates to my suggestion above). 86 umols of PAR time 10.76ft^2 per m^2 is 925 PPFD and over 12 hours covering 1 sq ft would give you 39DLI or more, which is plenty. As i do the actual math is ee i was wrong above. You might be good for 12"x12" or 14"x14" area with this 1 light with 12 hours of operation. multiply by 150% for 18h operation with an autoflower. PPFD is umol/s/m^2 - it can be written differenetly but people aren't comfortable with readingn "^-1" and understanding what it means. so ... light per second per area is all you need to know. This along with hours of operation amount to how many photns you gave to the plant per day, aka Daily Light Intgral (DLI) REad up on DLI. get the gist. you don'dt need to know the above math but you shoudl understand the gist of it. you can see how easy it is to misinterpret it, because someone thought 86umol/s of PAR was 1/10 of what is needed, but that's only true for a meter-squared area, not a tiny area. PPF or PPE of the light is 86umol/s of PAR, not PPFD. PPFD is umol/s per m^2. This is an arbitrary standardization so that when you use DLI it doesn't matter how many hours of operation or how large the garden is.. you simply want 35-40DLI for ambient CO2 no matter how large of area or whehther in vege or flower.
modmyplantsanswered grow question 2 days ago
If your limited to the wardrobe get a 100W light from Mars Hydro/Spiderfarmer/viparspectra/bloomplus. All of them have cheap 100 watt versions. BUT: I would get nothing under 150W-250W and thats why I also think setups for single small plants doesnt work, just go for 3plants minimum. Imo the power you need to raise a single plant with quality automatically includes room for 3 plants. Single weaker lights really do a bad job on their own. Heres why: 100watts dont have the power to bring you top buds, the PPFD is slighty enough for flowering, and also the flat penetration, since its weak and doesnt reach far, will make bud management harder for you. You have to bring them all on the exact same height or the quality of buds will have a big variety from shitty to good. Also you have to adjust it frequently because its more sensitive to the range and can burn/stress your plants easy. Just get a good light is quintessential for good weed, nothing is that important than a good light. If we speak grow area, nutrients etc there are a lot of cheap alternatives and ways to do it without spending a extra coin, but the light you have to invest heavily in. If you dont, you endup with a setup you soon, when you have a clue by yourself, want to replace anyway. PapaT also mentioned to grow outside and thats indeed the better option if you dont want to invest in good lights or arent bind to a secret wardrobe grow.
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Ejenjianswered grow question 2 days ago
I would recommend you to buy 2x 50W led cob chips and place them on a cooler with a fan. Will be cheaper and way better. Just make sure to avoid the old purple ones and get the 3500K ones.
Somangosanswered grow question 2 days ago
Buy a Mars Hydro TS 600 100W, SF1000D 100W spider farmer, the price is a bit more expensive, but it will cover the entire spectrum and the quality of the flowers will be much better than that bulb.
m0useanswered grow question 2 days ago
If you had a bunch of these connected "4" together it might work for a shity light but its cost to performace ratio will be low. However if you where to invest a little bit into a better light pulling the same overall wattage you could do better. I don't now what the cost is on them bulbs are but their efficiency is not going to be to the same as the one listed below. They are both designed for growing but the others are for users growing bigger more demanding plants vs leafy houseplants. Making fruit and flowers takes a lot of energy for the plants to do. Marz and Spider farmer make nice budget friendly beginner lights at 100W that are good for single plants. I use a light from Medic Grow and when they go on sales they are also a good option. Mini Sun 150W would do yea well and its cheaper then spider farmers 100W light. Better spead and power for your buck. the diodes are a bit different but not so much you'd ever notice a difference. My other lights I used where small bar style lights from sun blaster and I grew nice buds with them. they where 18W each, I used 5 of them and they cost like 25$ each. If I waited and just got a better light it would have been better but I was young and dumb. Pick what works best for you, think long term if you want to keep growing, anything that can be future proofed a bit is best. Also look into buying a lighty used light or refurbished for much cheaper. Just clean it down well with iso or soemthing that disenfects.
Ctbest2023answered grow question 2 days ago
Dl photon it’s a app that measures par etc and check the light
TheGreenCareTakeranswered grow question 2 days ago
Papa_Tanswered grow question 2 days ago
The maximum this light pushes is 65 PAR/PPF. In flower a plant can take 800-900 PAR/PPF. A plant can also go up to 1,200 PAR/PPF if the grow space is supplemented with CO2. Now do you think you’re going to get great growth with 65 PAR/PPF? Save your money and throw your plant outside, it will have a better chance there.