
My first layer ScroG layer is full do i need the second layer before flowering?

Snakekingstarted grow question 2 months ago
Hey guys its my first try in SCRoG technique do i need to put second layer or net just above of the first one? My girls grow rapidly after transplant some branches grow little ticker and some taller. Do i need to topping tall ones or let the grow like this? Thank you
Week 14
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 2 months ago
Hello Snakeking, If you were growing indoor I would say yes to a second net to keep the buds on the same height and distance from the lamp. But because you are growing outdoor a second net is not needed and your single SCROG net is all you need. Happy Growing Buddy!
Selected By The Grower
Todzillaanswered grow question 2 months ago
Hey Snakeking, your branches go under the net on a scrog. There isn’t a second one. What you’re describing in a trellis to space the colas. In a scrog you’re growing horizontally and bending the branches under the net to expose lower buds to direct light. Check out my purple push pop scrog.
modmyplantsanswered grow question 2 months ago
Hey mate👌 Is always nice to have, but no needed if you split your plant across the tent alrdy, all the do now is grow up straight, you can use a scrog to keep certain branches down if you want. everything above you can suppercrop. I mainly use a second net on my diary, so i can put my plants into different zones also. Underneath the first net is lollipopping area. Between the nets i only defoliate small amounts and top i take off all big leaves to give penetration to the middle.
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001100010010011110answered grow question 2 months ago
depends on the genetics. lankier plants that have weak stems may need a 2nd layer for support. there are no pictures. if early in process and plants are still growing, you should defnitely manipulate apical dominance through training to level out the canopy any way you can. Sometime it just takes bending a top down for a day or two for the rest to catch up. Sometimes it takes more. Some plants need support, some do not. I put a second one up to avoid the the occasional floppy AF plant or extreme stretcher.
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 months ago
I explain everything on my diary. 1st scrog. DM me regarding any