
Drying in fridge/ Trocknung im Kühlschrank?

Grow_in_Frankenstarted grow question 3 months ago
German below! drying process. Can I put my harvest in large fridge at 15°C? It has internal ventilation. To decrease the humidity I plan to add a UHU Dehumidifier. Ok? Trocknung. Ich möchte meine Kühlschrank nutzen. 15°C mit Venti. Zusätzlich einen UHU Luftentfeuchter. Ok?
Week 11
AsNoriuanswered grow question 3 months ago
in my few , highway to disaster. i never heard fridges with low humidity, air exchange wont happen, so all what comes from bud, will be in the air ... bud rot, mold , anything will attack. you can dry in 15 cel, but normally people target 17-20.
Selected By The Grower
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 months ago
Once the fridge isn't sealed. Air can't be stale. Fridge drying is good, especially In summer If you have a temp around 19c or less. This will do. But I take it, u using a fridge as its HOT.. Just make sure it has ventilation. The colder it is. You don't need high RH 50% will do.
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001100010010011110answered grow question 3 months ago
If you can control the RH properly, this is fine. e.g. you can take an wine cooler and convert it into a drying/curing thing akin to the Cannatrol device. I'd suggest avoiding the ones with a compressor. You want the "thermostatic" cooling element, not a condensor type. I believe it is more stable temp and less moisture invovled. Maybe one 200g boveda pack (or whatever the super size is) or maybe 2 67g at top and 1 at bottom (humidity tends to be higher at lower spots). Think 67g is good for 1/2to 1lbs. I use three in 5-gallon cure buckets for 2-3lbs, and that is overkill for upto at least 1-year term and likely longer as my boveda packs are nowhere near done at that time. Make sure it can get to the temperature you want. They don't all have the same temperature range and you don't want to skimp on this. so, pay through the nose for a cannatrol device or make one for 1/3rd to 1/2 that cost. It's a no-brainer.' Or, buy one or more 5-gallon buckets, boveda packs and a gamma seal lid. Each will hold 2-3-4 lbs of bud. When i store multiple strains in one i use those reusable mesh vege/fruit bags for picking up that stuff from supermarket, but it does redcue holding capacity clsoer to 2-3lbs but ifit's just free floatign bud filled to 90%, it's closer to 4lbs capacity with dense nugs. fill 2/3rds for intial 2-3 weeks of curing until fully at equilibrium with environment. Often a basement will keep you below 70F even in the summer - YMMV by region. Some volatile terps evaporate at mid-70s F (their bioling point). that stuff isn't going to last long no matter what.
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BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 3 months ago
Hello Grow_in_Franken, You do NOT want to do this! Temperature between 18-22 degrees with a humidity between 50-60% are ideal. The temperature in Europe is now around that range and otherwise search for a basement or other place with more stable climate. Just make sure that you place the weed inside the curing jar before the buds keep the humidity under 62% I always use a Boveda pack. The largest pack can keep 500 grams on a stable 62% humidity inside the jar. Happy Harvest Buddy! 💚
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Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 3 months ago
very courious about this, pls let me know your final result. what are your prior goal to reach with it? i could better understand if you say, i like to store the cured weed in my fridge, you would have my confirmation. i see no advantag in such an extreme slow process wth 15 degree, but yeah pls tell me about your experience if you have finished and btw. you dont have to write bilingual, the site translates everything
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oldskoolkoolanswered grow question 3 months ago
You could but you don't need to.I don't dry my herb too much,dry to the touch but stems don't snap.I then put it in a shoe box.I don't bother to monitor temp and humidity.I just finished some green crack that was 12mnth old and tasted great.For 6mnths it just got better and better.I'm in the UK so temp and humidity rarely gets extreme.
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