Just recently transplanted(1gal - 5gal), first-timer so it didn't go as smoothly as I planned or hoped. The girls look a little sad, which I hear is pretty normal this soon after transplanting, but is there anything I can do that can help the ladies make a full/quick recovery?
They are going to recover perfectly in just a few days. Give them some time to get used to their new environment and make new roots/drink the moisture from the fresh soil and they will peak up again!😊
I think they are looking very good for your first grow! 😊
it's nearly impossible to cause shock when up-potting. Rootball didn't disintegrate did it?
maybe, a bit extra wet near the roots at moment as they branch out.
I always put mycco anand a touch of guano in the hole you put the transplant.to help root out..
You could also use a foliar spray to get some minerals, vitamin, bacteria, microbs, hormones on board quick time.. hope that helps
Happy growing 💚