
Organic Soil and nutes for autos.

Canabicosstarted grow question 21 hours ago
Hello o will grow for my first time and I bought some rqs autos, I will grow them indoor in big pots, I want to make it simple, what soil and nutes do you recommend? I want to grow organic. I have access to biobizz. I also got this home Depot soil at home, is it good?
Nicogreenanswered grow question 5 hours ago
Som m han har tjek på det 99.9 ud af gangene
001100010010011110answered grow question 20 hours ago
Gonna have to find an alternative to atmospheric CO2 to provide carbon. CO2 is not orgnaic, lol EC .6-1.2 - tht's a pretty large spread. if well balanced the 1.2 would be okay, but ,6 would be very low for anything but a seedling. mg/L is not apples to apples with the typical labeling, and i'm too lazy to do the math. Seems like it' a bit high in K relative to N and P. as with all soil, you'll have to slowly supplement what it provides over time as the original charge is used up by the plant. So, it's no different in that regard and you'll have to go through that esoteric trial and error process of finding the right way to supplement over time. biobizz light-mix is 'organic' if i recall. IT also comes with a fairly light charge of nutrients that one way or another has a slow-release mechanism. same thing.. over time you learn what it is lacking and when it is lacking to supplement pre-emptively in the future. take notes as you go
MindFlowers68answered grow question 20 hours ago
I would try to avoid pre-mixed soil at department stores. should be good but also could have issues with it too like bug eggs and other bad things. Also more expensive. Get yourself a bale of peat moss 3 cubic feet for around 25 dollars,(ideally) pumice or lava rock. The kind you use for fire pits should work(black or red) the lava rock my store had was called flower rock, ironically =]. the pieces are kind of big and if you have the means to break them up do it, into inch to two-sized pieces instead of handful-sized pieces. But if you can get that pearlie works well too but it will degrade over time. i use both in my mixes. I also use vermiculite but you have to be careful with that because it retains lots of moisture and you don't want to add to much of it. I add my dry amendments(can max specific mixes using veg and flower amendments) to my pearlite and vermiculate to spread it more evenly in the mix. bio char,frass, and worm castings are an excellent addition. A lot of people do not have time to mess around with all this stuff but I guarantee you will get amazing results if you do it right. To me mixing soil is just as fun as growing itself. I used to work for a composting facility that also did vermicomposting (worms). I would stay away from bone meal and blood meal, it is a little too rich and is technically "organic" but does not come for organic sources. It's basically a by product of slaughterhouses and not specifically made for plants. Build-a-soil has great stuff but is expensive, but if you are close to them it might be more affordable. I use giai green stuff which I do believe had some poultry feathers so no exactly the best of the best but seems to work well. also like Dr. Earth and fox farm dry amendments. Also Azomite is awesome IMO. I would get some sort of rock dust in there. and I also add diatomaceous earth for silica. if you want to see I have a few pictures of me making my soil mixes on a few of my diaries.
m0useanswered grow question 20 hours ago
No idea of that soil, can't tell whats in it. Peatmoss? Coir? Dirt? A living soil with amendments is one way to grow, Others include liquid nutrition and a soiless medium or even DWC. A lot of big box store brands have a nice nutrient layout for basic growing just have the read the labels and confirm its got nice amounts of macro and micro nutrients needed. Ask yourself what you want out of it and what organic means to you, Its a bit of a made up thing and has many definitions based on what part of the world you are in in terms of plants. I like to grow with whole ingredients and amendments, the ones they sell happen to be certified organic but all that means is they test the soil and don't use some products on their fields. but other ones are allowed. Otherwise organic in chemistry means it contain carbon. so its a bit misleading. In short don't let the organic tag rule over your choices.
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Naujasanswered grow question 20 hours ago
Biobizz all super!