
Switch from coco to Soil

Catsquachstarted grow question 2 days ago
I first started growing with GH 3 part. I have been looking around to see what others use and was curious about using Pro Mix HP, Down to Earth Veg and Flower, Worm castings, and Mykos. Is this a good start? should I add anything else to this? want to improve thc and taste.
001100010010011110answered grow question a day ago
Those organic molecules / soil nutes are broken down into the same handful of ions before they can enter the plant. Definitely won't impact THC. As far as taste i think it's one of those misguided common beliefs that it will taste better with soil nutes. similar concept - when yo eat pizza does your flesh taste or made of pizza? no, the cells have a strict set of instructions for reproducing itself (growing). The food is broken down into common molecules, like glucose, and stored/used in the body - never resembling how you ate it. the molecules in those organic nutes can't even enter the plant until they are broken down into common molecules that either fit through (diffusion/mass flow) or are carried accrost (active transport) which depends 100% on the physical structure of the molecule, or it won't be carried across in a selctive manner based on demand in the plant. I don't have enough knowledge to be certain, but if the moelcueles all enter the plant in the same form, there's no cause to an effect of different flavor. Ratio of nutes might matter, but that doesn't require "organic" ingredients that are 5x more expensive. compare some clones. bet they are nearly identical. the 'organic' grown will likely be smaller and further behind.
Ultravioletanswered grow question 2 days ago
Stepwell supersoil if available to you.
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 2 days ago
Your plants don't really care what name is on your bottle of ferts. If the required nutrients are available for your plants to absorb then they'll be happy. In my own personal experiments, I've found that a combination of sun and soil will produce more complex flavors than indoor hydro would.
WeedGoblinanswered grow question 2 days ago
Yes probably. But you should get some kind of fertilizer becase of deficiency. I had a lot of problems in the past but maybe your soil is good enough (at least for the beginning)