Ammonia is not a plant available form of nitrogen, it needs to be converted to nitrate your be usable by the plant... I know more about aquatic nitrogen cycles than how ammonia is broken down in soil but I do know it’s similar... ammonia is not good for the plants but when bacteria break it down it is eventually converted to nitrate. In water specifically, the bacteria uses the ammonia to turn it into nitrite(toxic to plants) and eventually another nitrifying bacteria turns it into nitrate which is why those running aquaponics setups need to run their setups for over a month before adding any fish or plants into their grow... they need to allow a bacteria culture to grow first so they are able to fix the nitrogen into nitrate.
Certain plants form symbiotic relationships with similar nitrifying bacteria in soils, legumes such as alfalfa, soybeans and clovers all form symbiotic relationships with bacteria and fungi to “fix” nitrogen in soil into plant available forms of it(nitrate).
So to answer your question, feeding urine is not recommended but you can however let it ferment over a period of time to break down and then dilute it to form a pretty useful N supplement but the same can be achieved other ways.