
Yellow proper leaves

aras_hishstarted grow question 4 days ago
Good morning!! New day new doubts The proper leaves came out, but one of the two leafs is yellow and wet... I know its very delicate moment.. led Lighting, 35 cm from the plant
The710Gardenanswered grow question 3 days ago
Seems to be the soil is to hot to much fertilizer innit maybe
001100010010011110answered grow question 3 days ago
Your substrate is poorly constituted. You need more perlite/vermiculite/clay ball - "something" - to help with drainage and overall water:gas mixture in the pot. Wood chips are generally a poor choice, as are the clay balls (leca balls). If it's too large and chunky it's less otpimal. Perlite #2 or Vermiculite #3 are good sized bits. Some brands vary in sizes. If you constitute your substrate properly, it's impossible to overwater. You should always saturate the entire volume when you irrigate. To say otherwise is to instruct poorly. A plant showing a symptom this early does hint at a root-issue. It shouldn't need fertilizer this early. Unless you altered the light intensity recently, it does not look light-related. If you amped the light up in the last 1-2 days, revert unless you observe excess stretch. is the soil hot? is the pH okay? need more info to rule out possibilities. It may just need fertilizer a bit earlier than expected, too. in future - use a smaller seedling pot. add more drainage amendments. high water capacity substrates need about 50% 'drainage' amendment by volume. coco coir needs 33% for comparison. Drowning roots or any sort of related issue akin to that is caused by a poorly constituted substrate. You are supposed to water the entire volume. Not doing so is the wrong behaviour. Allow for top 1" to dry and repeat. simple as that. Any problems result, it is not the procedure at fault. Due to your substrate, you'll probably see some droop after any irrigation. The plant will survive if you follow a good wet-dry cycle. You can fix the drainage properties of your substrate next time or your next transplant into a large pot, if that is in the cards.
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MindFlowers68answered grow question 3 days ago
When germinating seed in a growing medium like that it is very risky because it has lots of wood and cellulose that are trying to break down and the fungi that do that are going to indiscriminately take over a tiny plant like that and kill it. She will be okay.For sure lack of oxygen to the roots though. Just let her dry out a few days then transplant into a better medium (peat moss60%/30%pearlite/10%vermiculute and all-purpose organic fertilizer per directions on box is best cheapest option)Pure coconut water is excellent during the germination stage because it has similar enzymes that help facilitate root growth. Liquid kelp is great too. By letting her dry out you will encourage the roots to grow which is the plant's number 1 priority at this stage. Don't overdue it with organic fertilizers either. but a tiny amount a week to two after germination will make strong little happy plants
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 4 days ago
Roots need air as much as they need water. Weed doesn't grow in a swamp, so you don't want the medium drenched. Overwatering seedlings is a common mistake and can stall them completely or kill them. I would carefully take this one out of the pot it's in and replant in a moist, but not soggy medium. Otherwise if you are scared to dig her up, you can poke some holes in the soil with a chopstick. That is not ideal and need to do it at least a few inches from the stem to not damage too much of the roots, but not much option. Letting it dry on it's own might take a while, so I would not recommend that with an auto. You probably won't get much off this plant even if she recovers, but you have learned a valuable lesson.
leapingsoilanswered grow question 4 days ago
Looks to me like overwatered medium. Also make sure if you keep your seedling covered that she can still breathe :)
Hempface86answered grow question 4 days ago
It looks like you over watered for sure... All you can do now is let the pot dry out and hopefully she pushes through.. this is the stage where over watering and too much humidity will cause it to damp off and die.. get a fan oscillating of course on low to help dry out that soil.. good luck and happy growing
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 4 days ago
35cm might be a tad close depending on your light but I don't think that's the issue. Your media looks totally saturated/waterlogged. You don't want seedlings going dry but too much water hurts too. I recommend holding off on any watering until you dry back a bit and the pot becomes light when picked up.
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BlocZanswered grow question 4 days ago
It had a little trouble coming out of the seed, maybe a mini dry spell. In any case, now that she can photosynthesize she will be better 😉✌️
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