
Can you help ne again Why are the internodes short?

Trankobuskassstarted grow question 5 hours ago
pH 6.5, light distance 65 cm, dimmer at 50% and 300 watts. I haven’t used any nutrients yet. I’m only using root fertilizers. It’s day 24. My plants seem a bit droopy and small. What could be the reason for that? The temperature is 25°C, and humidity is between 60-65%. Autoflower
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 37 minutes ago
I'd start giving a low dose of grow nutrition. Some enzymes. They are at a good place. Autos can take from 3-6 weeks generally it's 4 or thereabouts. Yours will take a massive growth in the next week when they prep (stretch before pre flower) and they'll double maybe triple and you'll get big nodes. Been autos. And having a good base. Maybe try top one also. This will give huge nodes. It'll give you tons of experience also. Autos also like rest. So, try not overdo the light. 18hrs 4-500 ppf max.. Good luck. Looking nice & healthy. If you have rich soil nutrients. & organic bloom nutes you can add them when the stretch happens. As they will need extra NPK.
001100010010011110answered grow question 5 hours ago
Your plants look healthy. Your node spacing looks fine. This is part light intensity and part genetics. If you want a lankier plant, reduce light intensity. Some plants are just shorter and bushier. Don't try to force a square peg through a round hole. i.e. don't reduce light too much. that'll only have a much greater negative effect on outcome than whatever you are trying to accomplish today. Short doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a low yielding plant. your leaves aren't tilting downward. The plant is holding up some nice healthy-sized leaves. you are finen there, too. Autoflowers don't typically grow to be large plants. Expect a 50-100g plant more times than not. What you would expect from a photoperiod with 1-2 weeks of vege phase and the same time frame, but more predictable / consistent. Don't allow anxiety or OCD to cause an unnecessary reaction.