
How to put michorize direcrly in soil ?

bfcukstarted grow question 10 days ago
How to put michorize direcrly in soil ? I made 4 holes about 3-5 cm and put direct. Then watered Is it correct ?
Week 1
m0useanswered grow question 10 days ago
One of my products for myco's needs to be in contact with the roots like others are saying. The other product I use is one where it is dissolved into the water then watered in. Most of the stuff on the market is selling spores and CFU, so its can be mixed into the top of the medium and watered in. the spores that hit the roots will germinate and be suscessful.
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Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question 10 days ago
Normally you place mycorrhizae at the bottom of the hole when transplanting, the mycorrhizae live in a symbiotic relationship with the plants' roots......that is, they need direct contact with the roots. What you have done may work to a certain degree, and it is certainly better than not adding them at all, but next time, line your planting hole with mycorrhizae then plant on top of them for maximum effect.
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001100010010011110answered grow question 10 days ago
myco needs to be near the roots. It's most effective if you add it while you transplant. add the instructed amounts around where the roots will be. myco cannot survive without the roots. it's a parasitic relationship. I'd just do it next grow and call it a day. damaging roots digging around the pot is never a good idea. What you did is done, and maybe some myco will grow and survive. If you use any sort of plant available P at even relatively normal concentration levels for a healthy plant, it'll kill myco. This is one reaosn why myco with soilless context is useless. It might be helpful for soil. there's some evidence to support it but it's not been researched enough. There's a whole lot of over-confident faith in the gardening hobby world.
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Mining_greenanswered grow question 10 days ago
You can top dress, just use your fingers fluff up top half inch to inch of soil throw your myco on then mix it around in the loose dirt. Then water. You can mix it in your dirt pre transplant but you can also just put a bunch in the hole before you drop your young lady in. Myco is awesome by the way great addition to any grow. Good luck
Roman_4_20answered grow question 10 days ago
If the plant is already in the ground, make 3-4 holes near the plant, fill them with mycorrhiza and water. If the plant is not already in a pot, mix about 10-12 grams of mycorrhiza into the soil before planting the plant.
Ninjabudsanswered grow question 10 days ago
Hey there There are many ways to use it honestly you can't go wrong ykmou can pour the stuff on as much as you want. You can mix it in the soil when planting. You can top dress the soil. You can mix it in eater and water with it. You can put it directly on clones and transplants roots and in the soil right below them Hope this helps
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Ultravioletanswered grow question 10 days ago
There aren't any negative effects to your plants or your soil if you use more then the suggested amount. Shits expensive though.
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Ultravioletanswered grow question 10 days ago
The Mycorrhizae can be incorporated into your backfill or directly applied to the roots of the planting. Direct root contact is essential for the best results, as it holds the best odds for colonization and success. Simply sprinkle a small amount of Mycorrhizae onto the root ball prior to planting. Or You only need 1 tsp. to a gallon of water which makes it a highly efficient process: just mix the fungi in the water and dip each plug in briefly before you plant.
Antisocialgroweranswered grow question 10 days ago
Guy below for sure has a weak imune system. Snowflake
AsNoriuanswered grow question 10 days ago
maybe. i was turning off all fans, puting protective glasses on, sprinkle on top of soil spread, rub it in (mix with top lair if roots didnt occupy all pot yet ), water slowly, in intervals and parts. job done, collect run off, throw it out, wash hands well. they ussually go in mix with other bacterias, some could damage weak imune system, thats why all prevention.
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