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CHILLINNNstarted grow question 2 months ago
Why I dont find nothing about colloidal silver? What's the mistery? Hahahha Please..tips... I cannot put 30ppm 🙄
m0useanswered grow question 2 months ago
Silver prevents a hormone from doing its job in the plant and it makes the plant produce male sex organs vs female, but this is done without stress thus the hermi trait is not passed on like in other pants who develop male sex organs out of stress. Its a tool used to make Fem Seed, you do not want to make many generations of fem seed from the same fem plants, its asking for issues. I have used CS to make fem seed. The strength I used was 10ppm, I sprayed them 2-4 times a day for a week or so to get it to work. I stopped once I saw signs of males parts forming. Stronger solutions "50ppm" require less spraying. STS works better and needs less applications. It can be a bit more pricey but it works better. so its kinda a win win, however its not always as available as CS. both products are subject to degradation so don't buy stuff that's not fresh. CS= colloidal silver STS= silver thiosulfate From what I have gathered, It does not sever any other purpose in growing but to make fem seed.
Ninjabudsanswered grow question 2 months ago
Make sure you buy some sts that come in 2 parts that you mix. All the colidial silver and sts pray that is sold on Amazon comes mixed together and only has a shelf life of a few weeks. You have no idea when it was mixed so it will most likely not work. When you buy 2 part sts that you mix it will work and be fresh
Mining_greenanswered grow question 2 months ago
Amazon 16oz for 45bucks that stuff is 30ppm i saw something say minimum 15ppm, i use to make my own not sure what its concentration is but it worked
Mining_greenanswered grow question 2 months ago
I goggled it cpy and paste if you have a wicked awesome strain and grew some loved it and only have 1 or 2 seeds left ya way more forward thinking then clones Colloidal silver is a solution containing tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid, which can be used to feminize cannabis seeds. This method involves spraying the solution on select female plants during the early stages of flowering, disrupting ethylene production, a hormone crucial for female flower development. As a result, the treated plants will produce male “balls” (full of female pollen) instead of buds, allowing growers to collect pollen from a female cannabis plant. Key Steps: Select female plants: Identify and isolate female plants, ensuring they have not been pollinated or exposed to male plants. Prepare colloidal silver solution: Use a colloidal silver generator or purchase a high-quality solution (30 ppm or higher). Spray solution: Mist the selected female plants with colloidal silver every day, starting from the early flowering stage, until pollen sacks form. Collect pollen: Harvest the pollen from the treated female plants, which will contain female chromosomes. Pollinate another female plant: Use the collected pollen to pollinate another female plant, ensuring all resulting seeds will be female. Pros and Cons: Controlled feminization: Colloidal silver provides more control over the feminization process compared to natural rodelization methods. Higher success rate: Feminization with colloidal silver has a nearly 100% success rate, whereas natural methods may have varying results. Potential for improved chemotype: Crossing plants selected based on their chemotype profile can improve the genetic constitution of the breeding population and lead to new varieties with enhanced cannabinoid profiles. Important Notes: Always handle colloidal silver with care, as excessive exposure can cause skin discoloration. Ensure proper sterilization of equipment and workspace to prevent contamination. Monitor plant health and adjust the spraying schedule as needed to avoid stress or damage. By following these steps and considering the pros and cons, you can successfully feminize your cannabis seeds using colloidal silver.
Mining_greenanswered grow question 2 months ago
It works man,
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 2 months ago
20-50 ppm of CS is enough if i recall. This is reference material you can google. just to be sure you don't spray it with 300ppm, lol... they get sickly AF with 20-50ppm. the other benefits of STS -- plants remain perfectly healthy -- still do not smoke or use anything from the "male" plant... that plant material can provide pollen, buth otherwise no longer safe for human use. That goes for both CS and STS sprayed plants.
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 2 months ago
Learn how to mix up some Silver Thiosulfate. It's more consistent than CS and you only have to spray 3x 5 days apart. Search: "Sigma aldritch STS tissue culture procedure" or, follow the link: https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/technical-documents/protocol/cell-culture-and-cell-culture-analysis/plant-tissue-culture/silver-thiosulfate This needs to be diluted 1:9 or 1:5.67 to get down to 2-3 mM/L concentration (millimoles). While you can change scale of the above recipe, do follow it to the tee. e.g. i just weighted out a 10mL / 40mL version.. .17g of silver nitrate and .632 grams of sodium thiosulfate. You'll want a "milligram" scale to mix up anything less than 1L of STS. Even 500mL with the standard .01g reso / +/-.03g will be 10% off due to scale error. The chemicals are cheap on ebay. Fully dissolve, then slowly mix one into the other. it's easy as pie. If you waste a bit, that's okay as it's cheap AF. Don't overpay for the branded STS out there. they are notorious for not adhering to experiation dates. The individual solutions before mixed can last 6 months in a dark fridge. The mixed STS should be used within 30 days, but anecdotally it does work longer than that. The dry chemicals will last decades on a shelf, in a cool, dry place. Mix up as needed. Bet 10 USD of silver (~5 grams) nitrate lasts you years. that's 25 batches of 500mL of STS. Don't use metal utensils or metal of any kind in the process. The silver nitrate is highly corrosive. It will stain things permenantly too. So, don't do this on your kitchen table, lol, or put down some plastic/papertowel to keep it clean. Don't buy the "500 ppm Collodial Silver" stuff. It's usually not 500ppm and contains very little 'silver.' If you want to go this route, look up how to make your own with a silver coin, a battery and some water. But, this shit you have to spray every day for 2 weeks? Also, making a less precise concentration - a bit of a guess each time. Meh to that. 1/day 5 days apart is much easier and like i said the STS is more effective anyway.
Ninjabudsanswered grow question 2 months ago
I personally would use sts over colloidal silver but you can use them the same
Ninjabudsanswered grow question 2 months ago
1 make sure to only spray it on the nodes and the stems don't spray it one the leaves it will shrivel them up. Only spray every 3 days untill signs of male pollen sacs start spraying the plants tou wanna reverse 3 days before you flip them to flower Make sure to take any plants you are spraying with sts put the tent and spray them by themselves right before lights out and leave them away from the other plants untill morning when the plants have fresh wet sts if they touch other plants they will all start to reverse It's good to have 3 plants you want to use the sts spray on. 1st plant make it start flowering a few days before all the others 2nd flip to flower with all your plants 3rd make this plant start flowering a few days after the rest All of them start spraying 3 days b4 you flip them to
Ultravioletanswered grow question 2 months ago
Spraying whole plants with colloidal silver was shown to be effective in the induction of male flowers on females. The solution is applied to female plants during the flowering stage. The presence of colloidal silver triggers a hormonal response that causes the female plants to produce male flowers with pollen instead of normal female flowers. These male flowers are then used to pollinate other female plants, resulting in feminized seeds. I've never dabbled in colloidal silver but I have used other hormones, The effective range for foliar application was 300-400ppm for cannabis plants but I have no idea if that was just for the specific hormone I was using at the time or if it was more response level for the specific plant and any hormone. Good bloody question I will need to look it up myself. Can buy a bottle off amazon for few bucks.