
Growth Improvement lower bud sites

SCENEcultivoindoorstarted grow question 12 hours ago
Any tips to improve the growth of the lower bud sites? Orange sherbert autoflower Growing under 120w led quantum board Room temp around 28 celcius Room Humidity around 60% Feeding veg nutes, planning to flush today and switch to bloom nutes She is 30 days old today
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 2 hours ago
avoid overcrowding. Use a strong light. Not much else you can do. Apical dominance is the primary factor of where resources get used the most. Don't remove leaves, as the products of photosynthesis freely and easily travel around the plant. Where it gets used is not about where light hits but apical dominance. Training will help because it spreads out apical dominance. Not overcrowding the canopy will allow for effective light penetration - no worry about what wavelength, lol. even if what was said below is true, so little gets past the first level of leaves that it's irrelevant. Don't remove leaves to get better light pentration. Accomplish that by not over-crowding the canopy. ~3 colas per sq ft is enough to maximize yield. More simply results in smaller, more spread out flower material. this is quantitatively true and not just some shit someone made up. there's no putting lipstick on a pig here. Based on your choices, you'll see good nugs down to a particular depth. learn those limits and shape your plants to maximize it. some bad infor need correction: in nature, the intenisty of light regardless of position of sun is no different from the top of the plant to the bottom. it is not about the 'arc' of the sun. it is about the fact that light spreads out according to inverse square law, and when you are 100 million miles from a light source, an extra few feet makes absolutely no difference in intensity received.
Zauberkrautanswered grow question 10 hours ago
Bind the top down or top them. Decrease temperature. Train the branches to grow vertical instead of horizontal so they are on the same level, or lower branches have a chance too close up.
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m0useanswered grow question 10 hours ago
Id suggest trying to grow photoperiods. I think fastbuds has the same plant in a fast or photoperiod version. Fast: Photo: They can take a bit more stress and do better with transplanting. It looks like your auto is entering preflower and will not grow out a massive amount from there. It looks like it has not fully utilized the pot or the medium it's in. Over all the plant looks good though. I am guessing it might have been shocked into early flower and this is why fast/photo strains a better at it. they will flip to flower when the light chnages.
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Ultravioletanswered grow question 10 hours ago
In nature sun rises and sets, creating a "arc" of light throughout the day at different angles, this allows light to get in and around and all over the plant. Inside grow tent it's top down only. Different wavelengths/colors of light have different depths to which they will penetrate the canopy, it's been a while since I read the literature so don't hold me to exact depths, green will do 6-7 layers, blue and red are somewhere in between 2-3 layers at most. Main reason we get larf buds is they grow mostly only with green light doimg the photosy thesis as very little red and blue penetrate that deep. A bud will grow to approximately 90% of its potential if it has at least a R🅱️G ratio of 1:2:1. Providing supplemental blue and red light from the sides you should notice a difference.
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w4tch2gr0wanswered grow question 12 hours ago
That’s what defoliation and low stress training is for, it gives your plant more light in the wanted areas and it will grow more equally :)
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