No, don't remove leaves if you can avoid it. the stuff lying on the substrate is okay to remove.
LST - use an anchor so it doesn't pull through the substrate. Remove anything pointing straight down into the dirt just for airflow and it's not going anwhere on that vector anyway.
you tend to get too many branches too tightly together on lst anyway. Probably won't hurt to remove any pointing down. That might eliminate crowding on its own.
Should always work backward from an intended canopy. shoot for ~3 colas per sq ft, give or take. More doesn't improve yield, just clogs shit up and spreads out bud mass more. From there, you plan out the most efficientn way to get there whether through training, topping or any combination. Otherwise you end up with at tangled mess of branches competing with each other. So how big is the space? how many branches you got? start spreading them out evenly and once in position, let it go vertical. shouldn't have any crowding issues doing this. Unwanted growth can be identified and pruned off before it wastes resources. Leave the leaves.. just unnecessary growth tips (unwanted axillary buds)
Ahh, is this an autoflower? that changes things if so.. i'd just spread things out as best you can and if some growth is too tight, remove it. a bunch of clogged up branches never ends well.