Seedleranswered grow question a month ago VPD doesn't seem to look right, hard to tell if it's pH or anything else, because you don't tell us your pH
Also you are not including, what you feed and how much, so it really isn't easy.
As long as you go after the nutrient feeding chart thats usually included or online to find, it's probably pH.
You need a pH meter and some pH- to correct your tap water. If the pH is around 6. its fine for soil.
If you can't get a pH meter, buy bottles, demineralized water, that pH is usually around 6-6.5 so that should fix it, if you water with that instead of your regular tap water.
I hope i could help, good luck with your grow and if you have any further questions, you can just write me a message here on the site, haaappy growing!