pictures would help to verify mold. If this is an indoor grow, usually it is caused by condensation occurring or constantly spraying plant with foliar sprays... Avoid foliar sprays without a specific reason. Foliar feeding should not be necessary if properly feeding through roots. Pre-emptive sprays, like neem oil, is overrated and mostly useless.
When temperatures drop after lights turn off, RH% can skyrocket - that whole "relative" thing is at work. So, make sure you are not hitting the dew point after lights go out -- a wireless temp/rh probe is well worth the 10 USD. They'll be +/- 3-5% but that's good enough accuracy.
Even if your RH is steady when you look at it, when the lights turn off temperatures can drop significantly. The warmer your light-cycle is with same RH%, the more likely to hit dewpoint - again "relative" part of the term matters.
Download a dewpoint table for reference. Get a probe, if you grow photoperiod plants, in there so you can see what happens after lights out -- if growing autoflowers, you can just peak inside and manually take note of the temp/RH% and no probe is needed. The first 30-60mins after lights out will be the key.
FYI, to save you some wasted effort -- none of the anecdotal remedies work on mold/fungus. It's just a bunch of people lying to themselves. Once infected, there is not 'cleaning' the plant. There is no effective remedy. Even the stuff commercial farmers have access to but the common consumer does not is only 25-33% effective, lol. That's the shit too dangerous to trust average people with. So, milk won't work, sodium or potassium bicarbonate won't work, the "cornell" formula won't work... None of it works. All you'll do is spread it to the stems and whatever that foliar spray drips down on, lol. It'll make it worse even if it looks better for 24-48 hours. Your eyes are not sufficient to resolve whether it is gone or not.. the fact it regrows in a fwe days shows how useless your eyes are in this context.
Don't smoke infected buds. You'd just be lying to yourself if the surface looks clean. The mycelium network under the top layers is still there. You'll still be smoking mold even if the surface looks clean.
Amputate infected bits. Even that won't fix it... The spores are already spreading by the time you can see a colony, so you likely have spores all over any plant in the same tent/area. You won't die smoking it, but probably cough a lot more and it won't taste so great, lol.
I had wpm issues for several cycle in a row. Once i figured out that i was hitting dewpoint after lights out, the wpm stopped. I was so pissed off at that point i didn't even clean my tent between grow cycles. That shows that mold is almost 100% caused by a bad environement. There were defintely spores in that tent but that 2nd cycle didn't grow one mold spot because the envrionment didn't allow it to happen. No matter how confident you are, if you don't have temp/rh readings after lights out, it's a very good chance that is when the mold has an opportunity to grow.. when RH spikes and you don't realize it.