HI bud.
Fading of the leaves, oldest leaves affected heaviest. Tips clawed downwards.
Nitrogen toxicity.
Most likely brought on by watering habits. Watered too much, too often. Neglected PH and EC values. Salt builds up and the roots stop drinking.
It's good you let the soil dry out.
It's time to balance out the issue with a full watering, including 20% runoff. Dechlorinated water ph to 6.0-6.2.
The natural ph of AllMix is 6.2 so best to have the runoff around there. Once you have the ph regulated she should bounce back in no longer than 7 days. Mind you, what is already damaged stays damaged.
Next, your watering habits. You gotta learn to get this down asap. Water SLOWLY and thoroughly. If it takes 5L to completely moisten your soil, water her 2x 3L and wait 10minutes before giving the second 3L. You should have about 1L of runoff to test. Do NOT water again until the top 1.5-2cm of soil is dry. (3cm would be even better but it's debatable) Even if it takes 5 days for the soil to get to that point, wait. Your soil will be dry because your plant is drinking. Let your plant show you when she is thirsty.
Hope this helps, even a little.