You've gotten plenty of suggestions so i'm just going to talk about proper perspective on things...
several different things can cause just about any symptom you can see, so more info is needed to make more confident diagnoses. visible symptoms are indiscrete. If you rely on them alone, you are bound to make many mistakes reacting to fix them. Basically, it's playing russian roulette to take that sort of approach.
also important to note that things happen over time. what you did yesterday or even last week may not be the cause of what you see today. a change you make today may take several weeks to have a visible effect on the plant. You need to broaden your gaze when trying to figure out the cause of any problem... migh need to look back as far as day 1 in some cases.
happening lower on the plant means it is a 'more' mobile nutrient. this is a spectrum not a on/off characteristic of each element of nutrition needed. It could also just be an older, shaded leaf that is still value-added, but maintenance of that leaf tails off a bit as the plant focuses more on leaves not heavily shielded -- do not remove such a leaf, it is still doing useful things, like transpiring, which is one of the most important functions right up there with photosynthesis.. carbon is your limiting factor more times than not.
The 'best' formula can vary based on environmental factors - from climate to light provided. The numerous relationships between the nutrient elements allows for many ways to skin the cat, even if a few are more optimal than others, you can keep plants healthy with a wide variety of ratios and concentrations, but a few formulas will work better across wider range of genotypes. So, just because soemthing works one times doesn't gaurantee it works another.
Many factors are relative and need to be considered. Any time it seems whimsical or random, there is a good reason for the deviation, regardless of whether you notice it or not.
always look to blame our own behaviours, because the plant is not responsible for anything, lol. we provide, it either reacts well or does not. it's never the plant's fault.