That app is a Lux meter in disguise. It converts lux to PPE, not PPFD. A single point measurement is PPE or PPF. PPFD is average PPF over entire area of coverage and realtive to 1m^2. When factored with hours of operation, you get DLI, which is what matters. This is th emetric that is an apples to apples comparison between gardens and the only way to discuss this with consistent results. DLI is DLI is a rose is a rose regarldess of hours of operation or size of garden.
If the app can take the characteristics of light and adjust the conversion factor relative to the RBG ratio at hand, it'll be incredibly accurate.
If it is using "1" conversion factor, it'll have some error for sure. Any deviaton from the RBG ratio from the stasndard for "Lux/lumens" will cause error in the conversion. Now that grow lights are all within a fairly small range - that curve showing different intenstive of red, blue and green wavelengths - the conversion can't be too far off.
You'll see more error in a blurple light's reading than more modern LED grow lights. Varying CCT will cause error in the conversion because it changes the ratio of RBG.
Think they even say it has a +/- 10% or something like that? think it's in the fine print.
Consistency is key. That still makes it useful. The readings are consistent for that 1 piece of equipment and any other light with exact same properties -- same cct, same RBG ratio etc etc. You stil have to adjust for different climate variables, but, if you find "X" PPFD provides the growth pattern you want, then it won't be far from that measurement in the next grow cycle... temp, rh% and genetics are a factor, too.