Hey dude. I'm not an expert grower (that'll take awhile, haha) but I do know this site, a lot of its members and where to find answers. If you'd like, drop by and see if my grows are to your liking. If so, go ahead and follow me and I'll do the same. We can shoot the poop on cannabis and if I can't help you with something, I can help find someone who can👌.
As for your question. A good time to top is when you have a good amount of foliage to help the plant recover afterwards. Do it too early and things will move to a crawl. I like to top at the 4th or 5th node (not counting the first set of true leaves). I found they recovered far faster then when I cut at the 3rd.
The spray bottle is fine, but make sure not to spray the leaves at all. The nutes will burn the foliar as your light evaporates the water in the mixture, leaving you with concentrated salt/nutes right on the leaf surface. I would also make a new mixture every 2-3 days as the pH, concentration and chemical interactions can change drastically if left for a while. Even if sealed. The amount you water is up to you and is a learning curve we need to learn with our specific mediums. You will find that happy spot, trust me. Just keep it localized for now until her needs become greater and you start watering for run off.
Hit me up in PM if you'd like man. Tab in the bottom right (little paper airplane thing). Cheers and good luck 👍