UPDATE: Finally had a chance to smoke a little of this today. She's smooth and earthy to taste. It brings on a slow, well-rounded & pain-relieving body high & hardly any noticeable head high at all. Absolutely no anxiety or paranoia, not even that little initial kick that can make your brain feel a little racey. It is a fully functional high for me. No trouble concentrating on the task at hand, no need to lie down and nap & no distracting thoughts about the origin of peanut butter! 10 / 10 for pain relief as well. Currently in the middle of an endometriosis flare up and it tames my raging lady parts for a couple hours post toke. Highly recommend this strain to anyone, but especially to first timers needing pain relief who may be a bit apprehensive about partaking of the devil's lettuce ;)
Currently curing so no notes on how she smokes yet but swing by here in a few weeks and I'll have an update on that for you. I was overall very impressed with how kind CD-1 was to me on my first grow. I'd heard some stories that she could be difficult but I didn't encounter anything that some vigorous google-fu couldn't tackle :)