So given I brought her down early - she did pretty damn well! Will definitely try this strain again! Was really easy and just dominated from start to finish. After I chopped her down, I lazily moved the bucket outside... And then it started to rain - I noticed the next day what seemed to be some new grow... So I put her back in some half nutrients, and am tempted to see what happens just for fun. But I don't expect anything to come of it.
Update: So that new growth experiment failed :D But I have started the next grow in that bucket. I didn't really upload any picture of the harvest because of it wasn't quite ready and was a desperate move to get a sleeping aid during lockdown. Please don't judge the strain for my impatience, it really is a great one... And I got 45g when I harvested early and was only using no-name-brand blurple lights... Next stop though... Mars Hydro TS-1000!