4 years ago
CBDAutoGrowercommented4 years ago
Ordered a small 24"x24"X55" Mars Hydro kit (tent, light, carbon filter and vent fan) off Amazon prime days, it was on sale. Seemed like a good deal, but now I am wishing I had bought a larger tent as the 55" height is concerning me. I will start with a couple of Autos, but if I want to do a photo period plant, I think the height will be too low.
I also ordered some seeds from True North Seed Bank (Royal Dwarf from RQS and a couple of CBD Autos from Canuk), and have watched a bunch of YouTube videos to learn as this will be my first time growing. I plan on growing in Coco Coir with all organic amendments. I am really excited to start and can't wait for it all to arrive.