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Garden of Green
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chronicstercommented3 years ago
Watering Information The tap water in my area sucks (we don't drink it). But because of time, cost and location of my grow.. carrying gallons of water is no longer an option. I did it for a while and it is still physically possible, but screw that. Those 5 gallon bottles are heavy and carrying up and down stairs sucks. So, I use the tap water but I filter it using 2 RV filters connected inline. I have a 30 gallon garbage can I fill up or partially up and have an air pump and air stones oxygenating the water. I've also got a fish tank heater in the water keeping it around 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Our water runs at about 7.9 - 8 for PH so I PH down the water at fill time and then measure it again at watering time. I try to shoot for 6.5 PH in the water but sometimes I allow it to go outside the range for 1 watering. I know if I have 1 watering where I over PH'd my reservoir to a 5 or 5.5, I am not going to kill, shock or harm the plants with a gallon or 2 in a 10 gallon pot. My auto-pots actually stay on the dryer side of things. I almost under water at times and then when I give them a heavy drink, they SHOOT growth like crazy. I water every few days with a gallon or 2 depending on their size. Flowering plants get 2 gallons almost every time. They may get more if they are not leaking by that point. Smaller veg plants stay moist and seedling just stay damp overall.
chronicstercommented3 years ago
My Story & Grow System I've long been a partaker of this fine herb and have enjoyed the various types and properties over the years. My wife is a medical patient and I am her registered caregiver. Cannabis has taken her off of Fentanyl and has provided her with relief and options not seen in other medications. When she became a med patient and we finally had the money to invest in grow equipment, I researched far and wide to learn what I was doing. After much research I came between a decision to do crazy nutrient feeds such as hydro that seemed challenging to me as a beginner and Super-Soil for a water only grow from seed to harvest. Since I am wanting to produce medicine for my wife and have a more certain cycle of harvest and less chance of screwing things up, I chose to go with super-soil and has produced awesome results, has been super resilient to my learning process and has allowed me to produce consistent good yield from our crops. I've grown probably 30+ plants of varying success (only lost a couple and had to kill 1 male... so not bad success rate for a newbie). Some were autos, some were feminized photo-periods and some were seeds harvested from purchased bud that I had no clue what they would end up being. After a year into this journey, I've come to love Super-Soil as it has allowed me to concentrate on growing techniques and watching the plants to learn their patterns and how they grow rather than being focused on nutrients and feeding schedules. So, as a newbie grower who has harvested over 2lbs in my first year... I consider it a decent success and it's easy as can be to maintain. Just put down a seed in good moist soil (10 gal pot with about 3 gal super-soil on bottom and 7-gal of mostly inert soil filling the pot) and place a cup over the top to create a small greenhouse and water every 3 - 4 days. This method has allowed me to deal with plants that are dying (PH imbalance) or having issues (nutrient burn) by simply transplanting into new pot as Super-Soil is a HOT mix and learning the ratio of SS to regular potting mix has taken me a bit and I'm still not perfectly clear on it. For my grow cycle, I've settled on Photo-Periods and 10Gal autopots (fabric pots that prevent over-watering). I allow the photo-period strains to grow until about 25-30 inches in height and then move to the flower tent. At this rate and cycle, I'm on a 2 flower, 2 veg, 2 germ cycle that allows me to have an almost continuous harvest with (2) 4x8 tents about every 30 - 45 days. I just hit this cycle and am hoping to produce about a 1/4lb every 45 days or so. For new growers, SS is an awesome way to go for simplicity. The only downfall is the cost of getting a batch made is not cheap. If anyone is interested in purchasing my Pre-Made Super-Soil, shoot me a message. You can see the results of my Seed into soil-> Water until harvest method and the results aren't shabby. The average per plant yield at this point is about 4oz maybe pushing 5 oz with this next dry / cure cycle. Peace and love :)
chronicstercommented3 years ago
I grow in an organic Super Soil I made based off of SubCool's Super-Soil method. This allows me to water only from seed to harvest. Currently, I'm pushing approx. 4-5oz per plant at harvest on average. 60 Gallons of soil 25lbs Worm Castings 2.5lbs Blood Meal 2.5lbs Bat Guano 2.5lbs Bone Meal 2.5lbs Feather Meal 1.5C Oyster Shell 1.5lb Kelp Meal 1C Mycorhizae .5c Alfalfa meal .5c Lime 1C Azomite 3/8C Epsom Salt 1Tbsp Humic Acid 1.5C Langbenite 1.5C Neem Seed Mix in a kiddie pool and store in garbage bags or garbage cans for 60 days. There likely will be a smell while it cooks and if it gets overpowering and just smells "off", dump it out and let it get some air for a few days before bagging it back up. This recipe made 60+ gallons of soil and I will not need another batch for 6 months to a year. For an easy grow method, Super-Soil and water is the way to go.