Very easy strain to grow. She absolutely loved organics. She will seem to not be finishing but she will. A long growing strain, but she is mainly Sativa so it should be expected. If you’re in a small tent like me you might want to grow an Indica at the same time, just so you can have something to keep you occupied while waiting for her to fully ripen.
I could have easily waited another week to let some more ambers ripen. She will start turning all shades of yellow and scare you. Don’t fall for it. The result of pulling with only a few ambers and the rest cloudy (trichomes) like I did will leave you with extremely speedy cannabis. I actually am loving it in moderation. I tend to get paranoid when weed is speedy so I knew better than to let it all rip ha ha! If you like mellow stuff, just go low and slow if you lose your gardening patience.
Growing was a pleasure. I really had no issues with her at all. She seemed to like every organic input I added. My Dr. Earth nutrients, molasses, Epsom salts, fish emulsion; she ate it all readily and politely ;-)
Smell is amazingly stealth and herbal. If anyone ever tries to tell you hops and cannabis aren’t closely related this would be a good example of how similar the terpene profiles are. This would be exactly like the earthy, herbal strains of hops. We all know other cannabis strains are citrusy, just like an IPA with tropical tasting hops. Then there are the ones that I don’t personally like, an earthy, herbal, soil flavored beer. This would be on that level. I do however, love the scent of these flowers. They are so similar to sage and lavender it truly is amazing. There is the always present cannabis smell also. There is no escaping that... but no skunk or overwhelming scents. Growing it leaves the gardener wondering if it will have any scent at all. This occurs when harvesting and curing. You move the flower branches around when on the plant, you smell it. Curing enhances it’s amazing scent.
If you like Sativas, you will love this. Even if you don’t, you might want to give this one a try. In low doses it just might be your Adderall...
Happy Growing!
P.S. I don’t own a scale. I got 3 quart jars and a half gallon Zip Lock bag out of this (trim and lower flowers). Remember, I started flowering at 3 weeks AND topped her. This thing would be an amazing beast if left to her own devices.