Chopped on day 78
Combined wet weight was just shy of 600 grams
Stalks were cut at soil level and plants were hung to dry
Temp held between 65-69° with an RH of 55-60
Day 85
7th day hanging and some of the small, bottom stems started getting brittle.
Weigh in showed each plant down to ~28% of the original wet weight
After 8 and a half days these ladies were ready to trim. Ended up with a yield totalling 22% of wet weight.
Final jarred weight and soil medium are noted for each plant
Purple Cow Indicanja #1
27.2 G
Purple Cow Indicanja #2
31.9 G
Great Lakes Water Only #1
34 G
Great Lakes Water Only #2
15.6 G
Total 108.8 grams jarred. Plus 24 Grams of trim and lower buds for cannabutter
Smoke report:
Sampled on Halloween after 25 days of curing — despite not having the strongest odor in the jar, once a couple buds went through the grinder, the room filled with a sweet skunky aroma.
Excellent taste, great smell, burns perfectly
Definitely a strong, strong indica. Even the heaviest smokers might need a seat after partaking in this strain
Edible Report:
Sour Crack produced a ridiculously strong butter that made some amazing nighttime treats
Would highly recommend edibles made from this strain to anyone that struggles to get a good night's sleep