The Grow Awards 2025 🏆


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Growing, years
A 20%
Dark Owl Seeds
Breeders of choice:
100% Dark Owl Seeds
Nutrients of choice:
100% Hesi

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Dark Owl Autoflowering
7 weeks
Dark Owl AutofloweringWeetch011
+3 strains
2 years ago · 9 comments

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Growing it
It is a very strong strain cause those plants survived a nutrition burned in the period of vegetation. It was such a big stress for those beauties that they started producing the seeds. At the end they gave a beautiful buds, with very strong smell and even better influence. I am very happy and proud cause this growth is successful.
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2 years ago

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Weetch011commented2 years ago
NOTES TO MYSELF & TO ALL BEGINNERS: ******************************************** Cannabis plants relies on a fine balance of minerals and elements. These nutrients include members of two main categories: macronutrients and micronutrients. But macronutrients and micronutrients are splitting in the two categories: mobile and immobile nutrients. MOBILE VS IMMOBILE NUTRIENTS: ************************************* Mobile and immobile nutrients define their transportability. MOBILE NUTRIENTS DEFICIENCIES: ************************************* It shows up in the older leaves cause plant always provides the nutrients to new leaves IMMOBILE NUTRIENTS DEFICIENCIES: **************************************** It shows up in the newer leaves cause those nutrients are locked up in the place. The newer leaves has lack of access to these nutrients. THE KEY MACRONUTRIENTS WITHIN THE ******************************************** SOIL: ****** 1. Nitrogen (N) N behaves as a MOBILE nutrient in the cannabis plant in the form of nitrate. Plants require N more than any other nutrient throughout the growing cycle. However, 98% of soil N exists in an organic form. Microbes are needed to help mineralise this precious substance so plants can access it. Once inside, plants rely on nitrogen for general growth and development. The element also forms a key part of the chlorophyll molecule, which allows plants to carry out photosynthesis. Nitrogen also works as an important component of amino acids—the building blocks of proteins. 2. Phosphorus (P) As a MOBILE nutrient, P makes itself available to new, immature growth. Plants uptake the element as an anion and use it in a long list of physiological processes. P occurs in every living plant cell, a testimony to its importance. It plays a role in energy transfer, photosynthesis, and the transformation of starches and sugars. P helps move nutrients around plants and assists in the transfer of genetic characteristics to the subsequent generation. P is a key role in the vegetative phase, where it contributes to root development and stem durability. Later on in the growing cycle, P helps plants resist disease and also plays a role in flower formation and productivity. 3. Potassium (K) Cannabis plants uptake this MOBILE nutrient in the form of a mineralised cation. They’d run into a very big problem if they suddenly couldn’t access this key element. K contributes to plant growth, metabolic functions, stress tolerance, root growth, and root system structure. K also plays a vital role in water conservation. Plants need potassium to open and close the stomata. Plants lose water every time they take in CO2 through these small openings. When water becomes scarce, plants need K to close the stomata to hold on to as much water as they can. Plants also rely on K as an activator of enzymes and a key player in protein synthesis. Plants rely on heavy quantities of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). The demand for these nutrients—or the NPK ratio—changes depending on the stage of growth. Vegetating plants: have a higher demand for N and less of a need for P and K. Flowering plants: require much less N and significant amounts of P and K during the flowering stage. GROWTH PHASE: ****************** N-10 & P-5 & K-7 FLOWERING PHASE: ********************* N-5 & P-18 & K-5 AIR & WATER MACRONUTRIENTS: *********************************** 1. Carbon (C) Plants “inhale” carbon dioxide from the air through tiny pores on the surface of leaves known as stomata. But stomata aren’t always open for carbon dioxide to enter. A pair of guard cells open and close each pore depending on demand for the resource. Carbon dioxide plays a key role in plant health. Plants convert the gas into energy required for growth and use it along with water to conduct photosynthesis. 2. Hydrogen (H) Plants create H from the water molecule during photosynthesis. They achieve this reaction by harnessing the power of light energy. H serves as another building block for plant growth. Plants use H ions to drive the electron transport chain during photosynthesis. 3. Oxygen (O) The aerial parts of plants obtain O by splitting CO2. In contrast, the roots breathe in O as they can’t access light and don’t conduct photosynthesis. Plants need O during the process of respiration to help them release energy from stored glucose made by photosynthesising. Cannabis plants aren’t capable of chomping down organic matter and extracting the minerals from it. In any case, organic or non organic way of growing, plants can only uptake nutrients as ions. To put it simply, nutrients must be broken down—or supplied in a refined form—to enter plant roots. They enter via active transportation utilising ATP (the cellular currency of energy) and membrane-bound proteins. This process allows ions to move from the root zone into the root tissues. SECONDARY MACRONUTRIENTS: *********************************** Cannabis needs a secondary macronutrients such as: 1. Calcium (Ca) Ca as the IMMOBILE nutrient — in the form of calcium pectate - holds together the cell walls and membranes of plants. Ca also serves as an intracellular messenger that helps to regulate hormone and enzyme activity. 2. Magnesium (Mg) Mg - a MOBILE nutrient - forms the heart of the chlorophyll molecule, where it enables the structure to capture sunlight used to create sugars. Plants also need Mg for cell division, protein synthesis, phosphate metabolism, and enzyme activation. 3. Sulfur (S) Plants only require this SEMI-MOBILE nutrient in tiny amounts. S helps to build plant proteins, vitamins, and amino acids. MICRONUTRIENTS: ******************** Plays fundamental roles in plant physiology. Deficiencies can negatively impact health, growth, and yield. The key micronutrients for the plant are: 1. Boron (B) B helps to bolster cell walls. B is helping to cross-link the large carbohydrate molecules that make up cell walls. If plant becomes deficient in B, it can become structurally compromised. 2. Cooper (Cu) Cu is a MOBILE nutrient that also helps plants metabolise carbohydrates and proteins. 3. Iron (Fe) Fe as a SEMI-MOBILE nutrient helps plants maintain the structure and function of chloroplasts—organelles that convert light energy into sugars that can be used by plant cells. 4. Manganese (Mn) Mn as an IMMOBILE NUTRIENT contributes to some of the most important systems and functions within cannabis plants. These include nitrogen assimilation, respiration, and photosynthesis. Mn also plays an important role in reproduction. It assists in pollen tube growth and pollen germination. 5. Molybdenum (Mo) Mo as the MOBILE NUTRIENT plays an important role in two enzymes - helps to convert nitrate to nitrite, while the other converts nitrite into ammonia. Plants can easily shuttle Mo to areas of high demand. 6. Zinc (Ze) Ze as an IMMOBILE NUTRIENT in only small amount makes up parts of various enzymes and proteins and assists in growth hormone production and internode elongation. To be continued.. Happy growing buddies 🌱
Weetch011commented2 years ago
CHECK OUT THOSE ARTICLES: ******************************** 1. The Anatomy Of The Cannabisplant; 2. Trichoderma And Cannabis; 3.