Today is THE D DAY! “Diary of the Month” February with HUMBOLDT Seed Organization just ended its reselections phase and the 17 GREAT DIARIES are going straight to VOTING! Thank you HSO, thank you Growers, congrats everybody, keep reading for the New GROWER of the MONTH contest and start Voting for the journals you think deserve to win!
Many of you already grow so good that we are introducing the GROWER of the MONTH contest and prizes! Who is the grower of the month? Well, the grower that gets the most COMMENTARIES LIKES from other users, for real advice or valuable comments, will get the same prize as the Winners in the Diary of the Month! Ain't that cool news, or what?
Say you're an expert grower and you stumble into a diary that could do better with your advice. You comment, tell the grower what to do and give him an advice. The Grower will give you a like to your comment and basically this is it. The Grower that has the most comments likes, will be awarded along with the 10 diaries of the month with the same prizes! The trick is to leave really helpful comments under peoples grows and that will bring the winners gear.
We hope you like this new Award! Grow Crazy and Share your experience making Grow Diaries a better place to Grow Share and Learn.
Peace out Growers!