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Interview with Tazard

Q: Hi Tazard, how is your day going? What time is it? How many joints are in by now? What's on your agenda today?
A: I’m in pretty good spirits today. It’s about 10pm local time. Hmmm really haven’t been counting 6-8 or so. Today is my wife’s birthday (happy birthday sweetie). I replaced an 8” carbon filter, changed the nutrient solution in three hydroponic tanks (one more to go, nutes are mixed but I’m not sure I’m going to get it done today) and I took some diary photos.

Q: Please tell us about yourself. How old are you? Where are you from? Married with kids? Pets? What's your favourite munchie food? Travel much?
A: I am 50 but I act more like I’m 21 with 29 years of experience. I’ve had some medical issues and have been on long term disability since 2016. Disability was the reason I started growing. My wife and I had enjoyed some of the best hydro buds in the area since I finished my degree in 2010. When I went on disability my income was only 60% of my previous pay.

We were forced into smoking imported Mexican bud which oftentimes wouldn’t have much of an effect after the tolerance level we had obtained. I began growing in June of 2017. Since September of 2017 (first harvest) we have only had to buy (on two occasions between harvests) a total of 8 ounces. Around here Mexican bud can be had for about $5-6/gram, good everyday buds go for $10/gram and nice hydro buds command a whopping $17/gram, if you’re lucky enough to know someone who can part with some.

I live in Kentucky USA. I have been married twice. The first was for 5 years and we had a son. He is 19 now. I’ve maintained physical custody since the divorce. My second wife and I will celebrate our 15 year anniversary in November. We have a Labrador Retriever. He is 12 now and, like me, moves slower.
When I was 17 and started smoking I had the munchies soooo bad I’d totally stuff myself. I made an effort to not eat while I was high and somewhere along the way I lost the munchies.
I’ve been in or driven through about 2/3 of the 50 states I’ve only been out of the country twice. The first was a high school Spanish trip to Mexico. The second was a wonderful, all inclusive, 10 year anniversary trip to a resort in Jamaica. We are still wanting to return.

Q: Do your family and close friends know you grow weed?
A: No. My wife and my son know.

Q: How much weed do you smoke a day? Any favourite strains?
A: About 3-4 grams, an ounce will last my wife and I about 5 days. I’m really hooked on Rippers Acid Dough. I grow a nice variety (usually 4-6 strains per tent) always looking for my next favorite but so far Acid Dough has the honors. One of the symptoms of my condition is chronic fatigue. I smoke sativa about every two hours to stay awake throughout the day.

Q: How did you find out about GD? Are you treated well enough here? Why are you journaling with us?
A: When I began growing I knew I would probably be experimenting with different stuff and I was looking for a platform to document my trials. I was searching for information about Acid Dough and although no one had finished a diary on it here there was one that had been started.
When I saw the layout I knew this was going to be a great place for my documentation.
I have found Grow Diaries administration to be responsive and ready to listen to what the growers want implemented. Not to mention I love the diary contest. I wanted an easy platform to document my progress. Also this is a great place to see what to expect with different strains.

Q: Who are your friends on GD? Give them a SO!
A: Well I have to shout out to all those in the Wolfpack they really have improved my grow skills immensely. I follow over 200 on GD and am always learning from their mistakes and accomplishments.

Q: Who is your guru grower? Who's your favourite canna celebrity?
Wow that’s really really tough. @farmerbrett probably.
Oh that’s easy, Tommy Chong.

Q: Would you ever consider working in canna industry? What would you like to do? Where would that be?
A: I would love to have some sort of top end (craft growers only maybe) dispensary and a fully automated hydro farm when legalization makes it here to Kentucky.

Q: Who'd you like to be interviewed next? Any final words?
A: I’d like to hear from @TheFoxFarmer. He has been crushing it here all year. I have one going now that’s over 4x it’s height at the 12/12 flip. How about a lobby for the breeders to provide the anticipated stretch? I have one going now that’s over 4x it’s height at the 12/12 flip.


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AK1210commented7 years ago
Well done Tazard on the journal. Great read. ✌️
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@AK1210, Thanks!!!
Teamdirtbag2commented7 years ago
Nice interview!! .... guru lmfao..... No, just another idot trying to grow.
Teamdirtbag2commented7 years ago
@Tazard, honestly we all learn best from experience. In the field experience, you can read or talk... but experience is 110% the best way to learn. I can say everything under the moon.. but what we learn from each grow makes us better. Honestly I love to try to see where I went wrong. This year was hard on me and I got caught up in trying to hard. And I failed myself. But I have learned more this year than last and that makes a negative into a positive. And that's a positive way to look at it. I will still harvest a boat load.... and I have learned.
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@Teamdirtbag2, learning from the wolves!
Teamdirtbag2commented7 years ago
@Tazard, Dam you fucker!!!! You nailed that!!! I don't know how, but you did!!! You are more on the ball than I give you credit for!!!! I'm sorry... but you know more than most, I'm an asshole. I know you don't listen to me. I'm glad for Jeff. Really, I'm just another idot, trying as hard as I can, racking my fucking brain, on how to do better at what I do. I always wish and bid you the best of Luck. And honestly it looks like you are killing it this year. So Brother a high five to You. And please do not try anything I do at home, go to the neighbors house and do it. Its always safer at the neighbors.
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TheGoodSeed13commented7 years ago
Kentucky baby!! I'm in Eastern Kentucky myself, where the good bud goes for $20 a gram!! Love your interview and happy growing!!
TheGoodSeed13commented7 years ago
@Tazard, Yea of course you can.
TheGoodSeed13commented7 years ago
@Tazard, of course you can.
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@TheGoodSeed13, Wow I thought $17 was high. Great to see a fellow Kentuckiana. May I dm you a local chat room (Louisville)?
Herbalizecommented7 years ago
I'm happy to know a little more about you Tazard ! Nice interview my friend 😉👌 I wish you the best IRL 😘
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@Herbalize, Thanks brother I appreciate that.
biggreens420commented7 years ago
wicked interview tazard top guy nice to know a bit more about u and looking extra forward to your hulkberry enjoy our chats also congratulations brother
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@biggreens420, Thanks! I’ve always enjoyed our chats as well. I really appreciated your help throughout my “curse”.
BazookaJoecommented7 years ago
I love to read all of these interviews. As a newbie grower myself it brings some personalization to the growing process and am thankful to GD for giving us the opportunity to share our wonderful journey on the internet.
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@BazookaJoe, 👏 well said!
ToadieKcommented7 years ago
Great interview. I'm also on disability and use sativa all day to stay awake. It works so good. - Tara Toad
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@ToadieK, I’m sorry but I’m glad you found something non narcotic to alleviate your fatigue!!!
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
@Tazard, craft growing and automated hydro farm ... those 2 are totally opposite bro 😊
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Hmmm maybe so 😂 but it sounded cool 😎
Lady_NugWitchcommented7 years ago
Great answers to great questions from a great grower!! I just heard from my attorney on my disability case, hearing is Nov 1st! I filed in June 2016.. retro check baby!!! I was going to get your strain, but with my Fibro, I think that would hinder sleep....something I long for! lol
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@Lady_NugWitch, fortunately my company carried long term disability for us. My getting SSD is irrelevant because the disability insurance company will just take it since it will be less. Although I will get to keep the portion of the retro check for the first 3 months before the long term disability kicked in. I’m still waiting for a hearing date.
Lady_NugWitchcommented7 years ago
@Tazard, Thanks pal... have a wonderful day! Happy Growing!
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@Lady_NugWitch, even with fatigue I cannot generally go to sleep within two hours of smoking Acid Dough. I know there are strains for fibromyalgia Seedsman allows selection by medical attributes. You might find some interesting strains there.
Toninocommented7 years ago
great job TAZ
Toninocommented7 years ago
@Tazard,great to be back my friend
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@Tonino, Thanks and it’s good to have you back.
MG2009commented7 years ago
Another great interview with a great grower👍 keep up the good work! I love this place!😀
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@MG2009, I love it here too!!!
Joni2017commented7 years ago
Great interview👏👏😉👍
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@Joni2017, Thanks 🙏 :bow:
Ironlungscommented7 years ago
The Wolfpack is a myth...
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@Ironlungs, so is fight club 😂
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
nice interview buddy!!
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@Bigpun, Thanks man.
ChefDan420commented7 years ago
🆒👍🏼Happy 😃 growing 💨🌬️🌲
Tazardcommented7 years ago
TheFairyBudMothercommented7 years ago
I knew you were a hessian but wow! ❤️
Tazardcommented7 years ago
ChefDan420commented7 years ago
Right on 👍🏼 Good interview and good luck in Kentucky . Do you have indoor & outdoor set up. Family has a slab in Tennessee and thinking 🤔
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@ChefDan420, Thanks. Just indoors. But we are on the same latitude as the “emerald triangle” so many people have amazing gorilla grows, especially in the mountainous region of Eastern Kentucky.
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
great interview my friend! 👊
Tazardcommented7 years ago
bobo420commented7 years ago
Nice interview, good to know you a little better ;)
Tazardcommented7 years ago
@bobo420, Thanks glad to share with you all.
Joni2017commented6 years ago
Great interview😉🙌