
Interview with Korfer

Q: Hey Korfer, it’s been more than two years of GrowDiaries for you, hasn't it? Do you still remember how you found us?
A: I sure do. Back in 2017, I was blogging about my grows on another website, but it was an old platform, really inconvenient to use. So I did a few researches and stumbled upon TaNg's profile on this exotic website that is GrowDiaries. I switched platforms and never regretted it. I learned a lot here and had a lot more fun than anywhere else.

Q: Please tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? How old are you? What do you do? Hobbies? Pets? Kids?
A: I am a 28 years old guy living in South West Europe but originally from Brittany, the Celtic region of France. I have type 1 bipolar disorder. I do several things but mostly about Sustainable Development. I like gardening, playing music and reading. I don't personally own any pet but my family has silkies (shout-out to @Silky_smooth) which you can spot on my midget Auto Duck diary and a black cat. No kids yet, I'm still young.

Q: How is cannabis viewed in the place where you live? Are you open about growing and consuming it?
A: The country I live in suffered directly from the American War on Drugs' propaganda because ties with this country are very tight culturally and politically. So most of the population think cannabis is evil. What's not helping is that in Europe there is this trend of mixing tobacco with weed or hash in your joint, which denatures totally the original effect of weed, and leads to more addiction hazard. I am however quite open about growing and consuming it, even my family knows about it. Overall, people are getting more and more open to cannabis, especially for medicinal purposes.

Q: What was your first grow ever like? Where were you learning all the information about cultivation?
A: My first grow actually has a diary here, it was a Quick One by Royal Queen Seeds. It was fun. Didn't have an amazing yield but the mere fact of growing this plant made me irremediably fall in love with cultivating cannabis. From this grow, I started to develop a philosophy in growing: everything organic with light nutrient additions in outdoor guerilla settings. I am aiming for quality more than quantity.
I look after my plants in the South of Europe where terroir is an important concept. Terroir is how a particular region’s climate, soils, and aspect (terrain) affect the taste of a plant (it is used in the world of wine for example). Some regions are said to have more ‘terroir’ than others. I am convinced this concept applies to terpenes. Most of my photoperiods are directly planted in the local soil (a rich, compact clay soil) and my autoflowering ones grow in 30 liters smartpots that I fill with a soil mix I prepare myself. It's composed of about 20% local clayey soil and the rest of artisanal carbon compost.
I learned absolutely everything online and thanks to everything I learned growing marijuana, I started growing all kinds of other plants too.

Q: What’s in your garden now? Do you sell or grow for personal use only? How do you take your weed? Favorite edible? Any recipe you’d like to share?
A: I currently have 12 diaries running (various photoperiods and 2 diaries for Silky's Solo Cup Challenge), just finished my auto session, 10 plants harvested.
I grow for personal use only, and for medical purposes, as I have a condition which requires heavy medical treatment. Weed helps me getting rid of half of the meds for the same results without the damn side effects plus the pleasure of smoking good weed. Actually, thanks to weed, I am able to have a normal functioning life again.
I smoke pure joints of weed in paper slims, but I've been wanting for years to acquire a Mighty vaporizer which someone I know recently gave me the chance to try, and I want it even more now.
As I just recently purchased a SpinPro trimmer, I got myself some nice trim that I wish to turn into cannabutter. It would be my first time cooking or even trying edibles, so if YOU have recipes you'd like to share, I'm all ears lol

Q: Would you like to work in the cannabis industry? If so, what would you like to do?
A: This is something I consider seriously, but it won't be before a few years until it is legalized here. However, when that happens, I'll have more experience and hopefully more knowledge and would love to launch a company producing medical weed for retailers.

Q: Why do you use GrowDiaries? Do you have any thought about improving the platform?
A: As I mentioned in the beginning, this site is the most convenient and complete I could find out here. Mostly I use it to document my grows in order to be able to go back to it later to better analyze and find causes to issues and to improve my next grows. But I also found a big community of people with whom I share a passion and who are interesting to discuss with and generally very open.
I do have some ideas to help you improve the platform, but it's just minor technical details not worth mentioning here, I'll pm it to you. Just keep doing what you're doing, at least I am happy with that.

Q: Who is the grower /canna influencer you are looking up to? Any shout outs?
A: There is that one guy who literally blew my mind in terms of of...everything in cannabis growing. I'm sure no one knows him here and surely himself will never see this shoutout but here it is anyway: thank you Lieuxtalata, for everything you've inspired me, for your amazing knowledge of organic growing and for your crazy humor. Hope you're still there somewhere.

Q: Whom should we interview next?
A: In all objectivity, I think the obvious choice would be Bulbi, I mean @LaBOSSANOVA. This guy knows what he's doing. We don't but he does. And maybe he could explain through an interview. Just saying...

Q: Any final words?
A: Thanks all of you people for making my last years full of amazing discussions, interesting advice and for sharing such feasts for the eyes. Keep growing and have fun!


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๐Ÿค ๐ŸŒฏ๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘†๐ŸปI'm already as famous as I want to be though ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜… just smoked one but now I gotta smoke another to celebrate that @mention
@Jgood,I know man, I was saying here this is actually a part of what makes Grow Diaries original and interesting!
@Korfer, people have to stay on the low down , alot forget more of the country (US) is still not legal. Stay safe n happy growingโœŒ๏ธ
@@@DaHomie, haha no I meant undercover growers not undercover feds lol I'm not even american. I was writing about how many growers on here are from countries where it's illegal. So even if there are not cops on here, it would be wiser to not disclose personal information
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Thank you for that Interview @Korfer. and i got a lot of edibles Reciepes in 2 or three of my Diaries, and i got some more to give just look into " cookies for me" and "The big green ones" icecream gummibears cookies, bananabread etc and the basic to get oil and butter. @GrowDiaries, i hope you continue the " Growers Interview , its alovely chance to get a little closer
Great! I'll check them out thanks!
@Mrs_Larimar, we will!
Good to learn a bit about you dude๐Ÿ‘. Best of luck with the current cycle๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ˜Ž
@TheBudWhisperer, Thanks! Good luck with your ladies too!
nice interview korfer ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Shoutout ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ†’๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
It helps you, so true
Yup, all's good , loved the read
Lovely share my friend and happy future grows to you๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰
Awesome interview. Great to know more about you.
Holy fucking shit!!! My very very first (on going) grow is also the Quick One strain, I am originally not too far from Brittany, I can feel myself falling in love more and more everyday with the whole process of growing MJ (when I am under the influence, I can look at the growing leaves for a good while ahah), and I have already started applying what I have learned so far to other plants! Such cool coincidences ! :)
@Paulolo03, Great to see I'm not the only european who feels that way. Have a good evening in Breizh, just came back from my holidays there it was a blast!
@Korfer, same here, more than 10 years mixing weed and tobacco, tried pure weed during a backpack trip in South America (in THE country), and as you said, a new world opened to me ! when I smoke a joint of weed + tobacco, I'm getting sick ๐Ÿคฎ. Keep on growing ! Peace from.. Bretagne ๐Ÿ˜‰
@WuWei, Here's what I found on the site you mentionned : "Still mixing your cannabis with tobacco? Cannabis's active substances are transferred via the bloodstream to the body's cannabinoid receptors in the same way that nicotine binds its receptors. Recent studies have revealed that combining the two raises the probability of undesired neurological influences. Using a nicotine-free herbal blend in your joint will give you a clean and natural smoking experience devoid of unnecessary chemicals. Even if you have stopped smoking cigarettes but are still using tobacco in your joint, you are still reinforcing your nicotine addiction. Real Leaf's natural herbal blends have been carefully prepared and have a delicate texture and unique aroma. They are made up of raspberry, marshmallow, mullein, and damiana. No tobacco, no nicotine, and no unnecessary substances that impair your smoking experience." And thanks for the tip about mullein and uva ursi!
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Its a pleasure to meet you a little more :) , you know, you were here since the beggining ๐Ÿ‘Š I remember watching your outdoor guerrilla style, when i was new too, and was growing my first plant ^^ .... Time flies ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Always a pleasure to check your beautiful diaries !!! Take care m8 ๐Ÿ˜Ž Hope you the best and nice to have you around here !!
Great interview!!
Nice insight Korfs. Now to Bulbi's interview - could be lengthy! ๐Ÿ˜
I come from another part of the world suffering due to so called war on drugs/medicines and medicinal users. it's so sad how most governments choose to give people pill form medicines which have extreme or deadly side effects (these tablets ruin my stomach so I can't take them) I suffered for a year and almost died due to my country's laws and lack of professional medical support and advice. And in the end when I was really sick the country I worked and paid tax to didn't bail me out. I bailed myself out (typical) by growing this wonderful medicinal plant. my medical conditions stop me from sleeping, eating, drinking and make me want to commit suicide a lot of the time. This medicine even in the smallest of forms makes me not only love my life, family, friends, opportunities. But also makes me happy enough that I can get up in the morning. Have breakfast without being depressed or anxious and I have that skip in my step again. The whole world needs to be happy like this, I think that's what governments are afraid of...
@JuicyFruit, thanks for sharing JuicyFruit. There is a wierd macabre paradoxe in medical treatment around most of the world nowadays between wanting to apply treatments and wanting to make money out of it. It's a profoundly unhealthy model for which you and I have been victims. Access to this plant should be a fundamental right for adults who stopped their growth as it does not have any negative effect (appart from pollutants derived from combustion but there are of course other ways of taking it). My government were talking about legalization in the parliament this summer. And then, suddenly 2 weeks ago, because elections are coming and they want to attract more conservative votes, they increased the war on drugs-including cannabis though they were rightfully saying earlier it's not a drug- hardened sanctions, gave more funding to prosecution means and started spewing their negative propaganda bullshit to demonize weed again (like it's a gateway drug or some stupid sht like that). Man it's infuriating. I can't wait for the time these measures will be looked upon as crime against humanity.
Absolutely love this interview thing! Nice one guys ,cheers for sharing!
Good interview๐Ÿ‘
Nice interview ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘
Nice to know more about you good luck .