Have you seen the sci-fi classic The Island, where identical clones are created for various purposes, each a perfect genetic copy? Now, picture something similar but in the world o...
When you’re growing cannabis, you tend to explore various techniques to maximize yields and preserve the best genetics. Among such methods, cloning comes out at the top as be...
Unless you are a breeder, you don’t want male plants in your grow room. Male plants are a nuisance to deal with. Their biggest downside is that they can end up pollinating your e...
Who doesn't like an unlimited supply of fresh cannabis buds? But you’d think it’s not possible. You can only grow one batch of cannabis plants at a time, right?
Nope. ...
Autoflowering cannabis plants have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their unique characteristics and ease of cultivation. These plants have a predetermined lifesp...
Do you want to earn the pleasure of growing a plant from scratch, or are you just aiming for big, bushy buds? Think about it carefully — your answer can help you solve the di...