Think of the most potent strains you've ever consumed like Girl Scout Cookies, Sour Diesel, White Widow, or Afghan — the experience must have been amazing, right? That&...
Cannabis is becoming increasingly popular in countries where it is legalized.
Thanks to the increased awareness, people are now more accepting of cannabis.
The social stigma revo...
We love smoking cannabis from time to time, but have you ever wondered, how weed can get you so high?
Cannabis is almost a magical plant, but science is not far behind. We have, i...
When you bake cannabis brownies with buds, you never quite know how potent they will be.
So, how do you tune in the potency to your liking?
Say hello to cannabis distillates.
If you're one of those cannabis connoisseurs that often search for something new, you're at the right place! You've probably heard of shatter, budder, rosin, resi...