A Comprehensive Guide to Hydroponic Systems: Finding the Perfect Fit To Cultivate Your Cannabis Plants
a month ago
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A Comprehensive Guide to Hydroponic Systems: Finding the Perfect Fit To Cultivate Your Cannabis Plants
If you know a thing or two about hydroponics, you're already aware that it's one of the best ways to cultivate marijuana. It excels compared to other types of cultivation as you ca...
Optimizing Hydroponic Nutrient Water for Maximum Cannabis Growth
4 months ago
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Optimizing Hydroponic Nutrient Water for Maximum Cannabis Growth
We’ve posted hundreds of articles on growing hydroponic cannabis plants, and as you shuffle through them, you’re bound to come across the term nutrient water. This is t...
Wick Systems for Cannabis: A Cost-Effective and Beginner-Friendly Approach
10 months ago
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Wick Systems for Cannabis: A Cost-Effective and Beginner-Friendly Approach
Not everyone has the luxury to grow cannabis outdoors, and there are various reasons for that. Sometimes, the weather isn’t friendly. Other times, your neighbors and the loc...
Ebb and Flow vs. DWC: Which is Better?
10 months ago
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Ebb and Flow vs. DWC: Which is Better?
When learning about growing cannabis hydroponically, you’re likely to run into two popular setups: ebb and flow and deep water culture. At first glance, both these setups loo...
How to Sanitize and Sterilize Your Hydroponic System?
a year ago
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How to Sanitize and Sterilize Your Hydroponic System?
When was the last time you sanitized and sterilized your cannabis hydroponic system? Before growing your current batch of cannabis plants? Then, It may not be too late. But if you...
How to Clean and Reuse Water From Your Hydroponic Setup
a year ago
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How to Clean and Reuse Water From Your Hydroponic Setup
As a grower, you probably chose to grow your cannabis hydroponically for one of three reasons: you want to minimize your water usage, you want to grow better plants with good yield...
Continuous Flow Hydroponic Systems for Cannabis — A Detailed Guide
a year ago
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Continuous Flow Hydroponic Systems for Cannabis — A Detailed Guide
The journey of a cannabis grower is always about growth — finding innovative ways to evolve as a grower and improve the growth setup. In this journey, many cannabis growers s...
Cannabis Growing Mediums: Soil, Coco Coir, and More
a year ago
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Cannabis Growing Mediums: Soil, Coco Coir, and More
Your plant cannot move around and find a comfortable place, unlike your cat which usually ends up perching on your laptop for comfort. Your cannabis plant will be fixed to one spot...
Hydroponic Cannabis: The Pros, Cons, Setups, And More 
a year ago
Hydroponic Cannabis: The Pros, Cons, Setups, And More 
Hydroponics — sounds fancy, right? But should you grow cannabis using this method, or should you stick to conventional growing methods? Tricky, we know. Hydroponics can be the ...
The Art of Adjusting pH Levels to Grow Big Fat Cannabis Buds
2 years ago
The Art of Adjusting pH Levels to Grow Big Fat Cannabis Buds
When growing cannabis, you have to consider various environmental conditions, such as temperature, relative humidity, and much more. One such consideration is pH, which may seem mi...
How to Maintain Hydroponic Roots to Avoid Root Rot?
2 years ago
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How to Maintain Hydroponic Roots to Avoid Root Rot?
Root problems are very common if you’re growing cannabis hydroponically, so how do you maintain hydroponic roots to avoid root rot? If you are growing your cannabis hydropon...
Soil vs. Hydroponics For Growing Cannabis — What’s Better?
2 years ago
Soil vs. Hydroponics For Growing Cannabis — What’s Better?
You will come across various methods to grow cannabis if you do a bit of research. Most of these techniques are based on either soil or hydroponics. Both categories can produce b...
Best Hydroponic Substrates For Cannabis Plants
2 years ago
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Best Hydroponic Substrates For Cannabis Plants
Many growers appreciate hydroponics. Whether it’s due to higher yields or they don’t want to grow cannabis the conventional way with soil, they have various reasons ...
Best pH, EC, and PPM for Hydroponic Marijuana
2 years ago
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Best pH, EC, and PPM for Hydroponic Marijuana
Growing hydroponic cannabis is a rewarding experience, but as you gain more experience, you get immersed in a universe of knowledge. During this journey, you will come across three...
How Often Should You Change the Water in a Hydroponic System?
2 years ago
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How Often Should You Change the Water in a Hydroponic System?
Hydroponic cannabis systems inherently require more involvement from the grower, considering the grower is in control of all of its aspects, including the nutrient cycle, light, hu...
How to Prevent Algae When Growing Cannabis?
2 years ago
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How to Prevent Algae When Growing Cannabis?
What organism is capable of photosynthesis, is mostly green in color, but not a plant? The answer is algae. Algae love moist areas, warm temperatures, and light — an enviro...
How to Grow Cannabis with RO Water?
2 years ago
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How to Grow Cannabis with RO Water?
Life exists on Earth primarily due to water — it is the source of life. So, no doubt, your cannabis plant also requires water. And cannabis is a thirsty plant. It requires a...
What is the Dutch Bucket Hydro System — A Step By Step Guide
2 years ago
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What is the Dutch Bucket Hydro System — A Step By Step Guide
Growing cannabis for the first time can be scary for anyone — the technical terms, various growing methods, and everything associated with it can sound like mumbo jumbo at fi...
Making Hydroponic Nutrients at Home — Step by Step Guide With Recipes!
2 years ago
1 comment
Making Hydroponic Nutrients at Home — Step by Step Guide With Recipes!
Managing a hydroponic garden is a fun hobby. It gives you opportunities to try many new things yourself — perfect for those looking to test their DIY skills. A critical aspec...
The Ebb And Flow Guide — How To Set It Up At Home To Grow Cannabis?
2 years ago
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The Ebb And Flow Guide — How To Set It Up At Home To Grow Cannabis?
Are you looking for a low-cost, high-efficiency hydroponic system to grow cannabis? Then, the Ebb and Flow method might just be the one for you. Ebb and Flow is a clever automated...