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Neem Oil or Hydrogen Peroxide? What's Best For Cannabis Plants?
a year ago
Neem Oil or Hydrogen Peroxide? What's Best For Cannabis Plants?
As a cannabis grower, you will come across two organic compounds that are very much in use in most cannabis gardens. Both hydrogen peroxide and neem oil are often promoted as the b...
Sooty Mold: The Causes And Effects On Cannabis Plants 
a year ago
Sooty Mold: The Causes And Effects On Cannabis Plants 
You enter your cannabis room and your Purple Haze has suddenly developed black spots instead of purple ones — should you be worried? Yes, black spots aren’t a good sign regardl...
7 Common Challenges You Need to Prepare for When Growing Cannabis
a year ago
7 Common Challenges You Need to Prepare for When Growing Cannabis
You know how, when you go on a hike, you prepare for the worst by carrying a med kit, an extra bottle of water, some snacks, and letting your best friend know your last location? Y...
How to Deal With Thrips On Cannabis Plants?
2 years ago
How to Deal With Thrips On Cannabis Plants?
Thrips are notorious creatures that many cannabis growers find lounging on their plants every year. And while these small insects may look harmless due to their worm-like appearanc...
Types Of Mold Affecting Cannabis: Tips To Prevent And Eliminate Mold In Your Cannabis Garden
2 years ago
Types Of Mold Affecting Cannabis: Tips To Prevent And Eliminate Mold In Your Cannabis Garden
Did you know that NASA recently discovered that even plants grown in outer space could develop mold if the conditions are too humid? Experts aren’t sure how mold can get up there...
Pesticides In Your Cannabis Garden: Tips To Use Them Responsibly 
2 years ago
Pesticides In Your Cannabis Garden: Tips To Use Them Responsibly 
Pesticides have come under a lot of flak in recent years due to their harsh environment, but often, this damage is caused when the user is not careful with the pesticides. Pestici...
Pest Control for Outdoor Cannabis Grow: Simple Steps To Prevent And Eliminate Pests
2 years ago
Pest Control for Outdoor Cannabis Grow: Simple Steps To Prevent And Eliminate Pests
When growing cannabis outdoors, there’s always some risk to your plants. They are exposed to the elements. Although cannabis is quite resilient to most such risks, one problem c...
Is It Worth Using Neem Oil to Control Pests in Cannabis Plants?
2 years ago
Is It Worth Using Neem Oil to Control Pests in Cannabis Plants?
In the past, farmers didn’t have the luxury of purchasing the most potent pesticide to eliminate pests on their farms. They primarily relied on various natural products readily a...
Neem Oil - Organic Pesticide For Cannabis
Grow Guide
4 years ago
Neem Oil - Organic Pesticide For Cannabis
Chemical insecticides are harsh products that some people prefer not to use on their cannabis. Fortunately, neem oil has come to the rescue. This versatile, organic product is must...