Maximizing Cannabis Bud Quality: Mastering Environmental Factors for Optimal Growth
a month ago
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Maximizing Cannabis Bud Quality: Mastering Environmental Factors for Optimal Growth
You wouldn’t pay top dollar for poor-quality cannabis flowers if you visited a dispensary, right? Then why should you settle for low-quality buds when you are growing cannabi...
How to Get Rid of Springtails on Cannabis Plants?
4 months ago
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How to Get Rid of Springtails on Cannabis Plants?
Picture this: you're observing your cannabis plant, and suddenly spot insects hopping around. It's as if they're engaged in a hopping contest on your soil. Is this a cause for conc...
Cannabis Plants Growing Slow: Top 8 Reasons And How To Fix Them
5 months ago
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Cannabis Plants Growing Slow: Top 8 Reasons And How To Fix Them
Have you ever wondered why your cannabis plant is taking its sweet time to grow? It’s time to stop scratching your head and understand why it could be happening. There are v...
Root Aphid Management in Cannabis Cultivation: A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing and Eliminating Them
8 months ago
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Root Aphid Management in Cannabis Cultivation: A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing and Eliminating Them
Growing cannabis requires attention to detail and a deep understanding of the factors that impact plant health. Quite a few insects love the plant as much as you do and feed on the...
How to Get Rid of Leaf Miners on Cannabis?
a year ago
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How to Get Rid of Leaf Miners on Cannabis?
Does your plant’s leaves look like a kid has scribbled some postmodern doodles on the surface with a white marker? Don’t worry, no kid has invaded your cannabis garden, it is a...
How to Deal With Thrips On Cannabis Plants?
a year ago
How to Deal With Thrips On Cannabis Plants?
Thrips are notorious creatures that many cannabis growers find lounging on their plants every year. And while these small insects may look harmless due to their worm-like appearanc...
How to Control and Prevent Whiteflies?
a year ago
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How to Control and Prevent Whiteflies?
Is your cannabis plant home to tiny moths? Be warned, these “tiny moths” may not be moths but whiteflies — a notorious type of pests that look like tiny moths but...
8 Lesser-known Pests You Must be Wary of While Growing Cannabis
a year ago
8 Lesser-known Pests You Must be Wary of While Growing Cannabis
Growing cannabis is a delicate art that requires a lot of attention to detail. However, growers often miss one of the biggest threats to their cannabis plants — harmful pests...
Pest Control for Outdoor Cannabis Grow: Simple Steps To Prevent And Eliminate Pests
2 years ago
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Pest Control for Outdoor Cannabis Grow: Simple Steps To Prevent And Eliminate Pests
When growing cannabis outdoors, there’s always some risk to your plants. They are exposed to the elements. Although cannabis is quite resilient to most such risks, one probl...
Is It Worth Using Neem Oil to Control Pests in Cannabis Plants?
2 years ago
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Is It Worth Using Neem Oil to Control Pests in Cannabis Plants?
In the past, farmers didn’t have the luxury of purchasing the most potent pesticide to eliminate pests on their farms. They primarily relied on various natural products readi...
How to Make Homemade Insecticidal Soap for Cannabis?
2 years ago
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How to Make Homemade Insecticidal Soap for Cannabis?
We love cannabis plants for one reason — the flavorful (and magical) buds that grow on them. But many other organisms in the environment love cannabis for other reasons. Out ...
What is Fusarium and How Does It Affect Cannabis Plants
2 years ago
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What is Fusarium and How Does It Affect Cannabis Plants
When growing cannabis, you will constantly battle against environmental factors, bacteria, fungi, etc. But there is one type of fungi that you need to be extra careful of to prote...
How to Get Rid of Cutworms on Cannabis?
2 years ago
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How to Get Rid of Cutworms on Cannabis?
Many growers visit their seedlings one morning and find them lying on the soil — as if they have been beheaded. It's one of the most disastrous things that can happen, especi...
What are Fungus Gnats and How to Get Rid of Them?
2 years ago
What are Fungus Gnats and How to Get Rid of Them?
We all desire big, bushy buds from our cannabis plants, but some pests can ruin it all. One of those pests is fungus gnats, which can significantly damage your plant if they are no...
Why Are My Cannabis Leaves Wilting?
2 years ago
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Why Are My Cannabis Leaves Wilting?
You want your cannabis plant's leaves to be vigorous and thriving, but what if the leaves are wilting? Wilting is defined as the loss of sturdiness or rigidity of leaves. It's a c...
Why Do I See Holes on My Cannabis Plants?
2 years ago
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Why Do I See Holes on My Cannabis Plants?
A garden is a rich ecosystem full of various insects, bacteria, plants, and even some birds. However, sometimes, uninvited guests show up, and they can wreak havoc on your previous...
Why Are My Cannabis Buds Dying?
2 years ago
Why Are My Cannabis Buds Dying?
Watching your buds die after spending months growing your plant is scary. Even looking at a wholly compromised yield can bring down your spirits. But it's not the end of the world....
15 Cannabis Leaf Problems And How to Fix Them
2 years ago
15 Cannabis Leaf Problems And How to Fix Them
If you have just begun growing cannabis in your home, you will face a few problems. But, unfortunately, that's part of the parcel with growing cannabis. These problems can be anyth...
How to Identify and Get Rid of Stink Bugs in the Grow Room?
2 years ago
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How to Identify and Get Rid of Stink Bugs in the Grow Room?
Among all the bugs that bug your cannabis plants, stink bugs are different. And, boy, do they stink! As soon as that characteristic nasty smell wafts in the air, you can be sure t...
Aphids Bothering Your Plants? Here’s How You Kill Them! 
3 years ago
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Aphids Bothering Your Plants? Here’s How You Kill Them! 
If you grow cannabis, you must always be on the lookout for pests — they can significantly damage your crop to the point of no return. Of all cannabis pests, aphids are the ...