Mistakes are a part of learning — there's no denying that. But when it comes to growing cannabis, avoiding certain pitfalls from the start can save you a lot of time, e...
Nutrients are like food for your cannabis plant, but what happens if you can't see how much of it you are feeding your cannabis plant? It can create some problems. Your plant...
Growing cannabis has become increasingly popular. So much so that almost everyone who uses cannabis is eager to cultivate their plants.
And, what better way than throwing a seed o...
As cannabis growers, we're always looking for the best everything for our plants, including the growing medium. And in search of the best-growing medium, you are likely to co...
Your plant cannot move around and find a comfortable place, unlike your cat which usually ends up perching on your laptop for comfort. Your cannabis plant will be fixed to one spot...
You will come across various methods to grow cannabis if you do a bit of research.
Most of these techniques are based on either soil or hydroponics.
Both categories can produce b...
Growing cannabis demands perfection. You need to obsess over quite a few factors from the beginning; one of them is the pH. The very basics of growing good cannabis buds depend on ...
Not all of us have as many hours as we would like to put into growing our favourite cannabis. Cultivating weed requires hard work and unfortunately many people don't have the time ...
We've become so immersed in indoor growing techniques that many have forgotten the benefits of soils. Soil is still widely used for cultivation, but most of it unfortunately does n...
Growing in soil is the most natural cultivation method we have. Through understanding the properties of soil and how it takes care of a cannabis plant, growers now have the informa...