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WINNERS December 'Diary of the Month' and 'Newbie of the Month'

Happy New Year, Growers!

This time our Team had the honor to choose the best Grow Diaries and most talented Newbies of December! All the possible factors were taken into consideration, the process of picking winners took us several days. Thank you for your patience, we know this is the most exciting part of the month.  Here are the TOP 10 Diaries of the Month!

Congrats, maestros! 

This month we would also like to highlight one Diary.

@WhiteWidow, great job, man! In addition to the December gifts by Seedsman, you will also be THE FIRST GROWER to get an original GrowDiaries Master Grower HAT by GD Team! Keep up the good work! We hope to see more diaries like yours on this website.

 So yes. Growers! There are ELEVEN winners this month!

Ready to find out who are the WINNERS of the FIRST 'Newbie of the Month' ? 

Congratulations,  to all of you! CRAZY prizes by Seedsman and SHOGUN are waiting for you to provide us with your shipping addresses so our sponsors could send them out shortly!

Family! Please read rules carefully when signing up for the contest! We found several Diaries that were not literally first grow, they were first auto , first coco.. first Diary on GD ... anything but first grow and that wasn't really the point of the competition. We are rewarding FIRST timers in this contest ;) Next time will will try to put up a better description as well.

What do you think about the first 'no voting' month? LET US KNOW in the comments section below!

P.S. WHO of you doesn't follow GD on Instagram and Facebook? There might be your grow featured. Check it out!




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BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
Congratulations to all the Winners last month! And thank you for all you do on GD... This community is actually making a difference!!! (whether or not you are seeming to be fed up with GD Team as @WhiteWidow is) Here, as a community, we are supporting one another, increasing the amount of Good Cannabis knowledge across the world, encouraging Ganja enthusiasts to venture from consumers to growers, creating lasting relationships that produce better collaborative breeding, highlighting the beauty and wonder of this incredible plant, and leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come! In my opinion, All of you deserve a standing ovation for Winning last months contest and deserve every price awarded! You Growers are Amazing, Congrats!!
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
@WhiteWidow, P.S. Your winning GD was absolutely spectacular! Keep up the good work!
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
@BudKingsGrow, you are right amigo nice words :)
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
@growdiaries contact @gardenofautos and send her my prize
Fire_Farmercommented7 years ago
@growdiaries how do you know if it's a first ever grow? Should just stick with newbie or apprentice status because you will have an impossible task vetting which are first time.
Mouseycommented7 years ago
@GrowDiaries, also maybe be more clear on the criteria for choosing the winning newbie grows? For example the first prize winner had multiple strains included in photos/description/yield info. The second place entry had several missing weeks. Not trying to nitpick, etc, as I don't have much skin in this game, but it's a bit offputting when the criteria calls for single strain, thoroughly documented diaries and then seem to be decided with those criteria arbitrarily enforced.
GrowDiariescommented7 years ago
@Fire_Farmer, we were trying our best to investigate as much as possible but you are right, there might be changes needed in this contest.
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
Thank you but no thank you. If i didnt send you a message you wouldnt even list me here so keep the hat and all of that or send it to someone else who need it. I am out of competing here Wolfpack members, who wants the hat?
Tazardcommented7 years ago
I prefer that admin selects. Probably should on grower too.
BigDaddyKcommented7 years ago
Well done people 👍 Enjoy your prizes 🏆
CANNASIMcommented7 years ago
Congrats everyone! Amazing prizes, beautiful diaries! Happy growing cheers! 👊🏻👍🏻👊🏻👍🏻
CANNASIMcommented7 years ago
@GrowDiaries, True my friends, year ended and started hectic for me, will try to contribute more asap. 👍👍 Anyhow, the diaries are moving forward, :) . Today will update to week 3 👊 Wish you all the best! Take care! Cheers!
GrowDiariescommented7 years ago
Long time no see, @CANNASIM!
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
@gardenofautos my girl do u want these prizes instead of me?
Cannabisqueencommented7 years ago
@GardenOfHerbs,you will rock that hat ;)
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
@WhiteWidow, hell yeah brother! I can wear it with my hoodie hahaha. Than i only need master grower jog pants @growdiaries hahahahah
Dukuucommented7 years ago
It would be interesting to know by what criteria the winners were chosen? a lot of garbage in my opinion! a lot of turnips over which we must cry! terribly small crops! I probably will stop my diaries, I do not see the point! I for that that chose people! honestly chose, without clones and begging! good luck to you GrowDiaries.👏
GrowDiariescommented7 years ago
@Dukuu, the criteria is described here We try not to judge by crop, we are interested in informative complete Diaries. Any grow is a grow learned, and that's what matters, along with the information that this website stores for other growers to see and learn from. Hope you'll still stick around for the community, the value of which does not come close in comparison to any gifts that GD Team and our dear sponsors provide.
Hernecommented7 years ago
Congrats to all the winners
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
@growdiaries By the way, The hat is dope!
Toninocommented7 years ago
Great work guys
Brickycommented7 years ago
Nice one! Big thanks guys! ☮️️
Ninja31commented7 years ago
That hat is AWESOME!! i want one!!!
Tistoucommented7 years ago
Nice winners, nice growers, nice new layout for the section "Grower oft he month", good to keep the spirit of GD on and to increase it. Impressive webpage work. Good start into 2018. Peace and Energy! 😜
BigDaddyKcommented7 years ago
Yeah hat does look good 😊