Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

- NO VOTING - GD Team will be picking Diaries of the Month

Hi Growers,

We decided to try out a new system  of selecting winners in our monthly competitions during the next three months. Our Team will be choosing 10 most outstanding Diaries and there will be no voting this time. As there was a lot of negativity around the contests recently and while we are working on the new system of selecting contest winners, we decided to SUSPEND VOTING.  Let's see how it goes. Do you trust us?

We want the awards to go to the right people, those growers who put time into bringing up their plants and keeping good journals and not into creating fake accounts and begging for votes. Our only goal is to contribute to the Growers community as much as we can.  

We will be checking EACH AND EVERY Grow Diary and we will be looking for:

1) Regulatory compliance (please read the rules before joining)

2) Informative Diaries (weeks, conditions, descriptions, comments)

3)Presentation & Creativity (photos, videos, etc)

Plants and quality of harvests DO NOT matter as much. What matters is a fully documented, fat rich explanatory DIARY. Any grow is a grow learned. This project is not about who's got a bigger ... BUD but about sharing, caring an helping each other. 

'Grower of the Month' will be changed as well, stay updated and read journals to know what we got for you next!

How does the whole idea sound to you, Family? Let's try it?


GD Team


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MUDBUGcommented7 years ago
Glad to see GD stepping up to the plate and nipping this BS in the bud🎅🎅🎅🎅 if people has to cheat to win a few seeds are a few bottles of nutrients they shouldn't be here this is a pretty good learning platform for the new growers coming up today hope it works the kinks out this is a PRETTY DECENT GROWING SITE they do have sum cool people on here with sum SHADY ONES also u get an A in my book GD for working on this issue 😧😧✌️✌️🍹🍹🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅Wonder How Many People are FKED up buy this 🤔🤔🤔
MUDBUGcommented7 years ago
@BudKingsGrow,Aint no fun WEN DA RABBIT GOT THE GUN😧😧✌️✌️🍹🍹
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
@MUDBUG, Whats more is that those few cheaters now will compete like the rest of us... So maybe all of the pointless energy they spent figuring out/implementing their cheating methods will go to creating better Diaries, and thus enhance the community they were cheating lol!!
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
Finally there will be peace. I support this change.
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
I am a fan of this testing period: It would be so amazing if we as a community could handle voting for our favorite Diaries (The GD's that most educated or highlighted a beautiful strain or that is just plain fun to follow) without it turning into this, but if we cannot manage this without maintaining Good Vibes only, lets make it so the control is outside the realm of cheating. @ GD, When contest winners are announced, Please include as much information from panel of judges as to what made these GD's win - If the community who is interacting on a daily/weekly basis with each GD is not selecting winners, we will all want to know why you chose as you did! Really hope this works out! P.S. If this test period turns out to be successful, Maybe GD could add to the formula for selecting winners a percentage that is user voted: Example: 1) Regulatory compliance (please read the rules before joining) = 5% of decision 2) Informative Diaries (weeks, conditions, descriptions, comments) = 45% of decision 3) Presentation & Creativity (photos, videos, etc) = 35% of decision 4) GD Growers Votes = 25% of decison This would still give us growers some say on the GD's we appreciate most, but not enough of a factor for people to waste their time cheating and being ridiculous!
CANNASIMcommented7 years ago
👌👍👊Nice! This will for sure elevate the level of detail and effort from the community in my opinion! Well done! 🙌 Cheers! Happy growing to all!
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
Excellent idea, well done 👍
m1ndofACcommented7 years ago
How about also adjusting the format so that a grower growing multiple strains won’t be out of the race just because he chose to include all of his/her strains in one diary.
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
@WhiteWidow, Had no idea the Beta was already available! Thx!!
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
@BudKingsGrow,am using the beta version. It keeps crashing
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
@WhiteWidow, GD is working on an APP that interfaces with GD site; This will make updating your Diaries much easier (Even if they have to be strain specific)
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GreenDiamondcommented7 years ago
FINALLY! We are so ready to leave this site. The drama creates to much uneasiness amongst a group that has to constantly look over their shoulders and remain in hiding because of the illegal nature of what we all love to do. It has gotten to the point that we have no real interest in even updating current diaries because this site doesn't seem like a safe place to be at times. With that said - GD - thank you for taking the bull by the horns and attempting to regain control of your site. We will hang around a bit longer to see how this plays out. Best of Luck and Merry Christmas.
BudKingsGrowcommented7 years ago
@GreenDiamond, Dont depart just because of a few bad apples!! We, The Cannabis Community, need every single site like this running strong!!! It's community based sites like this that develop true voice and true power to actually do something about legalization, but it takes the courage and stamina of each individual user to make it thus. Hand strong for our love of Jane!
UKautocommented7 years ago
Great idea I think. Will also give people a little more push to cram more details in each diary. Fair play
organicallycommented7 years ago
For first, thank you to @GrowDiaries for being present and working arround this awesome Project. It's very hard to tryout and work up new Concepts like this Diary-/Helping-Giveaway-/Communication-/FirstHand Information-/New Ideas and Products - Site. Nothing is unfailing and it works!👍 thank you. Your new System might work or not.. there are several + but also - factors, which speaks for a doubtful opinion. For an example: What about prejudice ? (How much workers you are? Enough to vary who is voting ?) Just a thought. Please test it for sure! Another thought: We are a Community, manged and powered by you, thats very grateful and i'm thankfullly but don't forget: We are a Community, don't deny the chance to be a Community, with little restrictions like this. The voting process is a cool thing for me as user, you can give your voice to the diary which is your own favourite created by this great people who participate. I think there must be a "sign out" Button for User which want to leave as first thing. This will be decrease the list of participants and give anyone the chance to focus on the remaining Diaries. Then could be a "Report" Button placed in every Diary to report doubtful occurrences. Presets to choose the Intention and a comment field. It's just a question of script development and the efficiency in each of us, to prevent fakers and fake reports. Maybe. Thank you for listening. 🙏
CANNASIMcommented7 years ago
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Congrats to everyone! Superb!!! My deepest wishes to all for this holidays! Stay safe in 2018, abundance in the crops and in life! Jah bless! All the best! Happy growing always!!! 👋🏻👊🏻👍🏻🙃
TeflonDonFarmscommented7 years ago
@CANNASIM, haha my man!
CANNASIMcommented7 years ago
@TeflonDonFarms, lol lets hope he pays ur bills this year! 👋🏻👍🏻👊🏻 Cheers
TeflonDonFarmscommented7 years ago
@CANNASIM, listen to sublime at all? If so Jah owes me 20 for groceries!
Tryhardcommented7 years ago
Nice job it should of been you guys doing this from the beginning as this is your website @growdiaries finally all the negative drama will end
MG2009commented5 years ago
@@Tryhard, About time!
ForestGreencommented7 years ago
Absolutely! A much better idea. Let the decision rest with the gods.
HomegrownGeneticscommented7 years ago
Been thinking about this selection process for awhile. Really would like to see it implemented in more than just December. A popularity contest should not decide who wins as many people inbox users randomly asking for votes. Great update!
Floresdejesuscommented7 years ago
Sure why not let's give it a try. one thing that also works is allowing us to vote and grow Diaries make the final choices. that way the general population still has a voice. Grow Diaries will have the final say and either cast their vote with the community or for who they feel stands out.
CaliGrowncommented7 years ago
Sounds great to me! Keep up the 🔥ideas GD. 👏👏
DabCrabcommented7 years ago
Thank you! Thank You! THANK YOU!!!!
Tazardcommented7 years ago
I’m 100% behind no vote.
Madgecommented7 years ago
Sounds great to me! I'm a noob and didn't want to enter because of the "popularity contest" but, I think I might just need to enter now... :) Thanks GrowDiaries,
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
finaly! great news! 1) Regulatory compliance (please read the rules before joining) 2) Informative Diaries (weeks, conditions, descriptions, comments) 3)Presentation & Creativity (photos, videos, etc) that is really perfect! great job @growdiaries
Toninocommented7 years ago
I thinks you guys are making the right choice by the way wish you guys some happy holiday to you and your family’s