Guano black is a mixture of Guanokalongpowder and humic acids in soft pelletized form. Use Guano black as a base fertilizer to mix with your soil or soil/coco based medium. Recommended in-door quantity: before planting mix 100 grams to 10 liters of soil. Out-door: use 300 – 500 grams per plant in April.
The humus is made from 100% leonardite (highly oxidized lignite). It conditions the soil. It stimulates micro-life. It creates high levels of permanent humus. It reduces re-planting stress and water demand. It has a high PH and water buffering capacity.
The guano works then as a base fertilizer and the humic acids help the plant to absorb the elements from the guano and other organic nutrients even more quickly.
Recommended in-door quantity: before planting mix 100 grams to 10 liters of soil. Out-door: use 300 – 500 grams per plant in April.