Only four months and there is haze buds for smoking. Haze XXL auto is on the clock and the yield is up to the grower.
For my case, I tried pure coconut water on her and screwed up the grow. Wiser head to me that you coconut contains a good amount of growth hormone call gibberellin. This stretches auto but weaken the plant. She was tall but yield was still low. Think it would have been much better if I would just stick to standard seaweed/kelp and not try arcane tropical folk lore. But I now I can counter the coconut water comment with confidence.
Another problem was with the soil. Even when I plant into the ground. I did not add enough fluffy coconut husk. So, soil was dense. Second soil problem was that I added fertilizer in the soil three months in advance.
And there were roots from a banyan tree from about 60 meter away. Banyan tree is a "tree killer" tree with root that can grow kilometers deep into lime stone hills. I should fix the soil only a couple of weeks before planting so this tree can not take advantage of the fertilized and airy good soil.
Other than that grow went well. She took 41 C heat with no issue. There were no rot of any kind. As for insects, I used some "non-toxic natural" insect repellent from local grow shop. I saw some bugs took full hit and still smiling back in the next day. So, I think it is truly not poisonous. I just have to use the thing every day for two weeks straight. I guess spraying wet stuff on the bugs annoyed them so much so they moved on.
I want to try my new mix of light airy soil on an auto for one more time. Then, I am in full raining season and should be growing full fledged tropical sativa.
6 years ago