4 years ago
RonnieBcommented2 years ago
I just popped my last pack of white label Purple Roc V1. Every seed. Especially these seeds have always sprouted early and big. No seeds/sprouts have ever not been up early healthy and strong. I'm having to plant multiple strains. More than I need and remove the runts and genetically unsound but not Roc seeds. They come up healthy big and hungry. I have about 15 seeds in jiffy pellets in a 3x3. 3 are up. One hasn't got jagged leaves yet. One just popped so too early to tell. And another young one with jagged leaves. The others aren't up yet. The Rocbud has their 2nd set of jagged leaves. I transported them to 5 gallon containers. Will soon move them out under my 1500w growcraft lights. Buy my photos aren't ready yet. Anyone know when his next drop is? I have night owl planted. Mephisto and they aren't close to the Rocbud. Maybe they're slow starters?