She had a great start but then it degraded. I had to cut a bunch of burned leaves. Since last topping new sites spread out and she seems to recover.
# D53
I went walk in forest and disovered very nice mulch with mycelium to prepare JMS (JADAM microbial solution) with it:
- 200/300g of forest mulch with mycelium
- 2 gallons of dechlorinate water
- 3 cooked potatoes
- 7.5 gram of sea salt
- Add the water to the bucket.
- Add potatoes inside a mesh filter (pantyhose) and add forest mulch to an other filter, stick them to the bucket.
- Add salt, mix the water to dissolve it.
- Massage the patatoes filter then massage the mulch filter.
- Some reaction could be observed, the water moves like a current in the sea.
- Place the bucket covered with tshirt inside grow tent for approx 48 hours.
# D55
Feed with 3 liters of dechlorinated water and JMS at 1:10 ratio.
# D56
Prepare AACT based on:
- 5 liters dechlorinated water
- 15 ml molasse of sugar can
- 15 ml Bokashi tea
- 30 ml JMS
- 125 grams vermicompost
- 12.5 grams nettle
- 12.5 grams horsetail
- 5 grams growing guano
- 5 grams fish hydrolyzate
- 5 grams epsom salt
+ calmag
# Day 57
Feed with 3.8 liters of AACT.