A step back recently:
Started a final flush (2 days in), and decided to start feeding her again - thanks to some great GD input!
250 ppm at re-start and will work my way to 500ppm? She's still rockin' along - like nothing happened.
She topped out at 350 ppm without tanking PH, so she is stable here.
PH is now swinging down fairly quickly last 12 hours. Drained off 1/3 of reservoir and get reservoir down to 250PPM.
5 days later, major PH swings down again. Mixed another fresh reservoir. I am using Zero Water 5 gallon system, and just realized the PPM coming out was 100, and PH at 3! If I am at 100 today, that means these filters have been shot for a while, maybe since start of my PH issue. There is also interesting information about when zero water filters reach their expectancy. They put out fishy smell and otherwise. I will be watching my filters more often and taking more notes since this ZeroWater 5 gal system is really the way to go if you are only growing a plant or two. Filters are a bit spendy but when you take time, gas, convenience etc. its a no brainer (if the water coming out is zero:) - I get about 15 gallons per filter (175ppm from tap).
Day 70. It’s been about a day since new res change. Steady Eddie at 250 ppm and 6.2. I’ll let her drink the bucket down a good ways if things remain stable with a drift down. I doubt it though, 5 gallon is fine for 12” autos but at 2’ she really needed 8 gal. Time to up the R&D on the cabinet! Also checked Zero Water again and filter is now putting out 200ppm of 3.0 water. New filters installed!
Hope she finishes soon, the top of her canopy slowly getting cooked over the last 10 days. 8" of light distance is too little. PPFD 2000+ at the top, but leaf temps are in the upper 70's. Gotta hit a decent DLI on these lower buds - without nuking the top nugs, right?!
As the week concludes, she’s in a fresh bath, at 250ppm @ 6.0 and running stable again. New water filters installed so zero water variable removed. Last serving of half+ teaspoon of GH dry KB ripening, and will reduce ppm by 25/day until I reach 10-15%. 1-2 day flush, if at all.