What an amazing auto to grow. She gave no problems whatsoever. She loved her weekly compost extraction watering and responded brilliantly after each. Although slightly overshadowed by her growing room partner, she still managed a pretty good yield Weighting in at 52.3g of flower, probably the dencest and hardest buds I've grown so far. Also pulled 18g of trim for extraction. Follow me here
Harvested the more mature plant, it had lost it's top to the wind, harvested a few days ago and has had a couple spots with a little rot removed. Seems stable enough and mature. Going to let the remaining one run out a bit as it seems a bit slower.
Soo, I think I can start to call it the first week of flower. #2 definitely is showing a few white pistols, #1 is just starting her first set and I'm pretty sure #3 will shoot them out any day! Also seems that removing the lowest two side branches of #1 was a huge success! She basically is the same hight as the others BUT I LST her a bit to expose the smallest side branches out of the three to more light! Also, I put a little elevation for her, so they stay the same high. #3 is doing #3 things and continues to grow rapidly. Topping her was the right move I think. I'm quite new to autoflowers (I mean pretty much in general but I had one random regular seed run before this but that's it) so I hope, I didn't call it too early but I'm positive:) Also my new microscope and the Blumat drip irrigation system finally arrived. I heard it can be a bit tricky to get it running but once it runs, it should run like a charm. Very very excited for this since I'm planning on going living soil in the future, which should fit very well together. Before installing the system, I removed the first set of true leaves of #1 and buried the wounds in soil. I hope she will build roots there. With #2 I took scissors and scratched up the main stem and filled it up with soil. As well I hope for more root growth. #3 just got a little bit more soil without any extras because of the topping. After doing all that, I watered with the BioEnhancer. I took 0,5g/l and around 1,5l in total. Quite a lot of update for just one day haha. Flowerpower baby!
we have nici branching and flowering. The plant didnt need an nutrients beacause it is in perfect soil. Still growing wider and higher, beatiful sativa plant. The smell is very exotic, like citrusy, gasy like. Mabye in 3-4 weeks we will have one plant done.
The plant grows. I have now added an oxygen pump to the water tank. Let's see what effect that has. You can see the progress every day. I've also bought some phosphoric acid to keep the PH down (hopefully). My water tank is very large, about 75 litres. I also have a few holes in the lid, so a lot of rainwater gets into the tank through this and also through the openings in the pots. Never had to top up the water yet lol. At the end of the fourth week I'm happy with the growth, especially as it's my first plant. -------------------------- Die Pflanze wächst. Ich habe mittlerweile einen Sauerstoffpumpe in den Wassertank gegeben. Mal sehen wie sich das auswirkt. Man sieht den Fortschritt jeden Tag. Ich habe außerdem Phosphorsäure gekauft, um den PH-Wert endllich stabil unten zu halten (hoffentlich). Mein Wassertank ist sehr groß, ca. 75 Liter. Außerdem habe ich ein paar Löcher im Deckel, so dass dadurch und auch durch die Öffnungen in den Töpfen viel Regenwasser in den Tank gelangt. Musste noch nie Wasser nachfüllen lol. Am Ende von der vierten Woche bin ich zufrieden mit dem Wachstum, vor allem da es meine erste Pflanze ist.
Day 78 ☀️☀️🔥☀️ 16-28 degrees, humidity 45-65%. Tropicana and I start into the 12th week with intense autumn colors and an explosion of fragrances. It‘s very hot during the last days but bu the night temperatures fell more than 11 degrees last night. When I check my plants in the early morning, give them water and attention, a cloud of Tropicanas fruity and floral fragrances surrounding me. Night 79 ⚡️🌈 This will be Tropicanas last night. I found a little bud rott in the main flower. Glad that I made a video inside. I just saw a yellow leaf as a sign and remembered what I read last week about this problem connected with high humidity and very dense buds. I didn‘t follow any hygiene rules and humidity on the balcony was very high for too long period. So this could happen unfortunately.
Day 57 Day 7 Flower 28/06/24 Friday Feed today pH 6.0 -5L No run off. Day 59 Day 9 Flower 30/06/24 Sunday Water + calmag today pH 6.0 - 3L Noticed her starting to throw her pistils out now 😍 . Day 60 Day 10 Flower 01/06/24 Monday Water only today 3L Picture update. I'll get better ones once I can take her out later 🙌💚 Day 61 Day 11 Flower 02/07/24 Tuesday Feed today Full 5L pH 6.0 Run off 5-10%. Looking droopy again today, noticed she was quite dry this time, so fed a large amount and will check again in 12 hours the moisture levels. She' seems to be getting super thirsty 🤯. Bud sites now forming. A nice berry/wood aroma ATM. Picture update 😍 Day 63 Day 13 Flower 04/07/24 Thursday (end of week) Water today with DynoMoCo 1tbsp- 5L. Gave 3L Will update more photos and videos next week during flush 🙌💚
The Case of the Overdosing Indica: Act II - Week 8, The Heat is On (and the Flowers Are MIA) Brandenburg's sunshine streak is back, relentless as a crooked cop on the make. Auto Overdose, bless her green heart, seems to be taking it all in stride. Though the growth's slowed to a crawl – just a measly 4cm this week. Not exactly setting any world records. And here's the kicker, folks. Still no sign of those flowers we were promised. Starting to think this "auto" label is about as reliable as a dame with a gambling habit. Maybe this dame's playing a long game, one that don't involve the fireworks I was promised. Had to give her a little tough love this week. Took out some of the deadwood – leaves yellowing at the edges, smaller branches reaching for sunshine they ain't gonna get. Gotta focus on the main event, right? This dame's starting to sweat under the pressure, and so am I. Stay tuned, folks, the plot's getting thicker than a bowl of undercooked porridge in a cheap diner.
I installed a PH controller but it didn't work right and only the ph up peristaltic pump is working. I will use this over my vacation as my PH drifts down naturally so this should work until i get a replacement. I watered in my gsc and other seedlings until runoff with 850 ppm heavy in nitrogen to green them up as the organic top dressing is taking too long.will see how they respond.on week 4 day 4 They are responding well to nitrogen Gsc is taking off!!!will continue nitrogen until end of this week as needed.
I installed a PH controller but it didn't work right and only the ph up peristaltic pump is working. I will use this over my vacation as my PH drifts down naturally so this should work until i get a replacement. I watered in my gsc and other seedlings until runoff with 850 ppm heavy in nitrogen to green them up as the organic top dressing is taking too long.will see how they respond.on week 4 day 4 They are responding well to nitrogen Gsc is taking off!!!will continue nitrogen until end of this week as needed.
Eccoci arrivati finalmente alla fine di questa maratona! È passato più di 15 giorni da quando ho raccolto, staremo a vedere alla prova di assaggio, per ora le cime sono pesanti dure compatte e la pianta è davvero un gigante per essere stata fatta indoor e stata stoppata 4 volte, e nonostante questo è venuto un mostro di più di 120 cm! Grandi anesia seeds sono una garanzia di genetiche di qualità eccezionale!
6/26 Rained last night. Might have showers bur the sky is clear. Real good weather coming. I need to transplant those seedlings. Plants are noticeably bigger every day. I see small spits of damage but it's isolated and in a high wind area. I'll address it and watch for nute deficiencies. Also need to transplant those seedlings. At leastcones an auto. 6/27 Rained overnight again. Looks clear today but we did get some rain yesterday. Tomorrow is all sun. I'm planning to transplant those 3 seedlings today. Also noticed some ragged holes so I've got a few pests. Looks like grasshoppers or something. With all the rain could be slugs or pillars I guess. Need to get ipm up amd running. I've got work to do. Found a plant on my gmo in the 30 bag. It got sun burnt and wind burnt but came out of it and they're all doing great. At first this one was a little behind after transplant but so were the other gmo's. Originally, it was one of my best plant prior to transplant outdoors. That one leaf I found during a thorough inspection of the garden. I'm hoping it's not tmv. Plants growing vigorously and better than but I'll keep an eye on it. I also transplanted the 3 seedlings. I added half new 707 in the 50 (prior soil was this same mix from last year) and transplanted one in that. One in a 10 gallon bag and the auto in a 5 gallon bucket. It will be interesting ingredients seeing how they turn out. All transplants went really smooth. 6/28 It's gonna be a hot one today. I haven't watered in over a week due to rain. Wind was whipping this morning! Looked like plants MIGHTVE been drooping but now that I think about it it was probably just the wind. ANYWAY I WATERED TWO AND A HALF GALLONS on the clones. That wind dries the bags out fast. Some still had some heft to them. Lately I've been going by my intuition which has seemed to be on point. All the seedling transplants look good and show no signs of stress. 6/29 The site was down so I couldn't update. Looks like it's gonna rain. It's noontime. This morning i found and killed two inch worms. There's not much damage so I'm wondering whether bt is necessary. Birds sit on the frame and dart I'm and grab them. I'll have to think on it. I also need to decide what I'm going to use for nutes this year. Don't need it yet. GMO's and sherb pie is putting out pistols everywhere. Same with the event horizon. Looks like I may have an early harvest this year. I certainly hope so. Still.....only did half what I did last year but with everything going on its all I can handle. 6/30 Site was down and it doesn't want to pet me upload my pictures 7/1 Trying to keep this updated. Need to spray bt. I'm seeing some damage. Not much but I need to get a handle on it now. Poured yesterday. Super sunny today. Plants seem to be flowering early this year while I still have a 2 seedlings that haven't shown their sex yet (they are fems but still). The clones are beginning to flower it looks like so I may have an early harvest this year. 7/2 WATERED THE GARDEN WITH 4 GALLONS. Spent some time looking over the plants and decided to hold off on the bt seeing as there isn't much damage. I spoke to a few shop owners and after seeing my garden this wad their advice as well. While watering I noticed red ants coming out of the soil of my GMO in the 30 gal. Some of these strains will be early finishers. The only time I've had stigmas like tjis was when I grew mendo breath and that was a super early harvest. Either way things are looking fantastic. The auto seedling finally showed a stigma. One seedling left (they should ALL be females) but I cant tell by the preflower yet. It looks female but I need to see that little white hair emerge to be sure.