Plants are in good health and start to be covered of trichomes.
Leaves beagan to be quite sticky and here and there trichomes seems to be a thin layer of icy snow.
Completing the sixth week of flowering, plants overcome more than the half of flowering stage and I can't wait to see the final result.
A plant (1st veg week) grown from old RQS AMG seed has a strange "leaves schema" very different from the other plants: leaves don't grow in couple but in a messy way with no order. Is it something going wrong or this plant is healthy like that?
Genetic mutant.
To continue with it or not is up to you, but in my opinion, life iss too short to grow "maybes".
Weed being stronger from weirdo plants/mutants is not likely.
I agree with Mediterranean_Grown
Just a mutation, she might take a while to get going, but while she does the roots are filling the pot out and will help her bounce back.
Nothing to worry about.