Hey guys,
Like I said last week, this week was another cold rainy week. Discoverd some budrot on my Shamans, but not mayor problems.
Therefore I decided to Harvest my Shamans at the end of this week. Knowing that in the upcomming weeks it will get even more colder, more rain and more bud rot.
Luckly I only gave them water and one time with Humic-Blast and enzym+. Thats not a proper flush but better then full nutrients in the soil/plant.
If it wasn't for the colder climate, i would had let them flower for another 1 to 2 weeks because they really started to thicken and the flowers were swelling.
But at the end i rather have smokable buds then budrot buds,,,
Weather for the upcomming week is 70% to 92% rain with 11-14 degrees Celcius and at night even 7-9 celcius.
So there is no point by risking all of my buds to rot, in hope for some swelling which may never come with this colds
The Critical Kushes where in their 4th week of flowering, going into the 5th.
I have no other choice to keep them at least for another 2-4 weeks, lets see how it goes.
I don't mind spending nutrients on maybe a lost cost.
Somehow GD minimalize the videos after putting 10pictures on the diary, Just click on the next picture and
click on the right arrow to go to the videos.
See yall next week :)