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Day 42 FLOWERING: Good afternoon ( in the UK anyway) brownies. It has been a steady weeks bud building this week and outing imposters!. I have somehow managed to mix pits during the initial set up and have two ladies representing their opposite strains !!!!!. Doh The girl scout cookie #2 is actually the #3 Amnesia Haze and the #3 is the Girls scout #2 . I have suspected it for a while but they have failed in their ploy to fool me and their ripening phases have given thwirbruse up. Seeing how similar the #3 was to the #1Girl Scout and how close they were in finishing to each other too , it was way more evident now that the #1Girls scout looks ready to come out for her dark period . She has finished very quickly and i am in no doubt she is done with most of her pistils being a golden orange now. She has many small clusters of buds but is not going to win any yield cups I dont think. She smells so sweet and edible though with a sticky feel too. Her leaves have a really beautiful fade too . So e very nice colours among the cannabalising. I dont think the # 2 will be far behind in her finish either with her pistils starting to orange up now. Now that the #3 amnesia is correctly identified and in the right row , it is clear to see how they all look alike and are at the same stage in bud development. They are a 77 day (11 weeks) flowering period and are still in their bud building stage with a huge production in trichromes taking place too. Thet are so like Gorilla glue #4 in their look which can only be a good thing... The #1 and 2 are bigger than the @3 purely due to the lst I did . They both have medium sized colas for info ar al of their mains so hopefully will have some donkey dick buds covered in frost around week 9-10. Bud porn ahead I think. Normal feedings for these ladies for the upcoming weeks but the G.S.C are going to be fed with water a few days now to let them know its time!!!!. Be safe and red eyed folks. Until next time. tata
This lady was a little too tall for me to have her in the balcony so we're going mainlain this lady and let's see how many cola we can make from those little 2 main colas, can't risk to have a plant so tall in the balcony guys.
This lady looks absolutely, I have applied mainlin technique on this lady to avoid a height problems, now we're gonna try to get as many main colas as possible, let's see how this lady keeps developing!
This lady was looking absolutely stunning but I had to reduce her height, too tall to be in the balcony guys, let's see how this lady keeps developing
Great week this week, inside the tent and out. Carl 2 is doing great, and has mostly acclimatized to the winds and heat of the outdoors. UKBS 2 is seemingly recovering (knock on wood) from whatever was degenerating it's stem. It must have been mold or something similar as about 1/3 of the stem became dead wood and had to be removed carefully. I've been trawling the internet and all sources of horticultural forums I possibly can, and yielded somewhat inconclusive results. Everything from ants, to mold, to stem borers. None of which seemed to have been the case here. In any case, I took a whole ton of cuttings from UKBS 2 and am attempting to root them. Great genetics, and not to sound like a broken record but I'd hate to lose such a vigorous pheno. =-= Inside the tent, things are also going quite well. UKBS 1 is getting quite chunky, seems to be an interesting pheno. As for Carl 1, oh boy. I came to find out that this strain is a real interesting one. According to the breeder, it's a cross of C99 grapefruit x "D" Haze; pheno hunted and backcrossed in the 90s and stabilized over nearly 30 years. Loooooooong flowering times. In other news, the timelapse is out as well. Updates as usual. -6/3/2021 - Busted out the Rebel T5 and took some real nice budshots. Carl 1 is quite frosty, UKBS 1 is quite chunky. Also got a cool upskirt shot. -6/8/2021 - First orange pistils showing for Carl 1, looking real good. The clones of UKBS 2 are all doing well apart from one of them.
Ya estamos en proceso de formación de la flor. Se ven algunas más grandes que otras. Pero a grandes rasgos estan muy parejas. Me preocupa un poco la cercanía a la luz, dado que estoy en 15cm y cualquier estirón extra, sería una complicación. Vamos a ir viendo como se dan las cosas, pero al momento, no me puedo quejar. Las plantas se ven bien y saludables. Día 24. Se empieza a notar el engorde. Esperando a que aparezcan las hojas de azúcar, que ya se empiezan a visibilizar las primeras. Voy a ver si puedo conseguir overdrive de advanced para cuando se terminen de formar las flores. Entre tanto solamente tuve un inconveniente de pérdida de agua por una manguera que moví al atar las plantas, pero ya repuse la solución perdida y todo va encaminado. No sé si van a tardar las 6 semanas que dice el catálogo, pero cuanto mucho serán 8. Seguiré actualizando. Día 26. Las flores empiezan a yomar su forma voluminosa. Estoy en duda sobre si agregar PK la semana próxima o la otra. Quizá empiece a usarlo en el próximo depósito. No quiero tampoco sobrepasarlas y agregar el producto antes porque tengo entendido que puede ser contraproducente. De todos modos me quedan dos días para el cambio de solución, así que voy a ver cuando termine la semana. Entre tanto, ya empiezan las emociones. Día 28. Hice ina poda de hojas bien fuerte. Ya de esa forma dejo expuesto a la luz todo lo que tiene que terminar de engordar y de paso me esquivo posibles problemas de humedad. Al final voy a usar el PK de greenhouse que tengo, pero voy a subir la dosis. Mañana se viene el cambio de solución, para lo que sería la ante última semana en teoría. Vamos a ver como evoluciona, porque los cambios son muy abruptos de una semana a la otra. Y llegado el momento miraré los tricomas, como para ir haciéndome a la idea.
Today, May 31, harvest day. Very sticky and heavy purple-green buds.
Na última semana os pistilos começaram a ficar alaranjados, os buds engordaram pouco, espero que nos próximos dias eles finalizem bem gordos! Darei a ela fertilizante por mais uma semana e depois flush por outra semana, creio que daqui uns 20-25 dias estarei colhendo!