Nov 13 - Day 94 - More bulking up, girls are holding water longer. Watered Older plant at 7.45PM. Started defoliating withered leaves with trichomes, I'm keeping those for now, and will combine with bubble hash trim.
Nov 14 - Day 95 - Both pots aren't super light so I'll wait until tomorrow and water both at the same time. Starting to think about drying and harvest, I suspect there to be a fortnight between each harvest - but unsure if I can afford the tent space with next run growing. I think I'll water either as lights turn off (if humidity wont rise) or first thing on Nov 15.
Nov 14 - Trichomes are milky with the speckle of clear and amber. Lets hope the lagging cola fattens up in the week to come.
Nov 14 - WATERED Younger plant at 10.30PM.
Nov 15 - Watered Older plant at 3PM
Nov 16 - Watered Younger plant at 5PM
Nov 17 - Woke up to 80F. Likely at higher temp for 1 hour before noticing. Defoliated a few leaves, including one or two with trichomes, of which I've saved.
Nov 18 - Watered Older plant at 6AM. Younger plant pot is light at lights off- will water first thing in the morning. Also removed dead tips and accidentally chopped a healthy fan leaf. I was hoping to chop today, but it might be another week before the younger plant is ready.
Nov 19 - DAY 100 - Watered Younger plant at 10.30AM. Trichomes are developing nicely, I suspect 1 more week with younger plant which makes me wonder when to chop older plant.