The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
I did some defoliation and pruning of lower branches at the start of the week and this plant hasn't recovered as much foliage as the CBD Blue Shark, even though this one was bigger until recently. I think the plants have a preference for being on the left, right underneath the filament part of the light bulb. I also still need to finish the right wall and put white mylar on it. Maybe I will switch the plants for a bit.
Estou mantendo essa é a primeira semana depois de germinar,espero que de os frutos que é prometido por seeds kkkk tmj galera
уетьих девачек всио атлично проста супеер ияа васторге атних💚💚😃😃😃🌱🌱🙋‍♀️🇬🇪 ишо даюу бактериюу речарj називаиптса чорни порошок 👍🌱💚🇬🇪
The plants are growing really really fast, very happy with their development so far, nothing weird on any of the 3 seedlings, this is gonna be a beautiful run, Stay tuned everybody!! 💛💚❤️👨‍🌾
The all 5 seedlings are looking fantastic and very healthy, onenof them its a little too small I think but let's see what happens, stay tuned to see how this 5 dina cookies perform! 💛💚❤️🔝👨‍🌾
Ya tenemos esta quinta semana de floración de esta niña bonita (PurpleKush) de Kannabiaseeds. Como podeis ver en las fotos y en el video está muy bonita 😍, Seguimos echandole fertilizantes caseros 💪
The plants are growing super fast, I know this is gonna be a beautiful run, they're gonna be awesome automatic plants, I've enjoyed working with other strain from this amazing autoflowers bank let's see what we can do! ❤️💚💛👨‍🌾
This are 2 of the 29 ladies of my SOG in 7l pots, let's see how this couple of ghost cookies by original sensible perform, very stocked on their genetics!
Буду. Рад каменариам. И. Советам !!!
Day 14 Flowering: Good afternoon Growmies. I hope we are all getting some sunshine and have enjoyed Easter. Munchies and Easter are made for us guys!. lol The 3 Fast girls have been racing to get the tallest during their stretch period so far. It is clear to see the Mexican Airline has the lead there , even with my supercropping her 5th node to try to hold her back a little. She really is a lanky lady and without some l.s.t or tying , she would be very tall.. Bud sites are looking good so far and only time is needed now to see how she plans to fill those stems. Strawberry Pie is similar in height and stretch to the Mexican. Nice airflow underneath and her general size is good. Nice and healthy green with no signs of any issues. Six-shooter is the small girl who doesn't want to be messed with it seems. She is ambling along at a steady pace untouched and is a slightly lighter shade of green to the others by genetics I think now but I will keep my eye on this a little more in case a def hits. They are still stretching slightly but slowing down now. all good and as it should be be safe growmies. until next week
Im trying to help her recover but im not sure she will, shes on just water now
Im trying to help her recover but im not sure she will, shes on just water now
Unfortunately I had to harvest the BADAZZ-CHEESE (=BADAZZ-KUSH x CHEESE) from BIG BUDDHA SEEDS early, because of looking bud-rot. The plant needed at least another 10 days to finish, she still had plenty of white pistils and would have gained in harvest weight and also produced more trichomes, if given more time. The final harvest weight of 31 gram dried bud, was still a VERY GOOD RESULT seen the circumstances. The buds are dank and have lots of trichomes, all in all a VERY NICE KUSH/CHEESE VARIETY!
Harvest time for Mandarin dreams round 2. Both phenos did amazing during round 2 under the Mars-Hydro TSW2000 light. The buds are incredible and the way these ladies grew was very impressive. Hopefully they are heavy buds, will know in 7-10 days if they have the dry weight to back up their awesome appearance. April 16 update - MD2 - 70 grams, MD1 - 73 grams. Again results are close to round 1. The TSW2000 light delivers!
Harvest time for Mandarin dreams round 2. Both phenos did amazing during round 2 under the Mars-Hydro TSW2000 light. The buds are incredible and the way these ladies grew was very impressive. Hopefully they are heavy buds, will know in 7-10 days if they have the dry weight to back up their awesome appearance. April 16 update - MD2 - 70 grams, MD1 - 73 grams. Again results are close to round 1. The TSW2000 light delivers!
Unfortunately I had to harvest the BADAZZ-CHEESE (=BADAZZ-KUSH x CHEESE) from BIG BUDDHA SEEDS early, because of looking bud-rot. The plant needed at least another 10 days to finish, she still had plenty of white pistils and would have gained in harvest weight and also produced more trichomes, if given more time. The final harvest weight of 31 gram dried bud, was still a VERY GOOD RESULT seen the circumstances. The buds are dank and have lots of trichomes, all in all a VERY NICE KUSH/CHEESE VARIETY!
На этой неделе поработал с ветками в неперспективных местах, удалив все лишнее, что могло бы вытягиваться, вместо генерации цветов. За неделю растение выросло на 10 сантиметров. Проверил натяжение, центральный ствол туго натянул шнур растяжки, пытаясь выпрямиться после освобождения всех веток от натяжения. Пока ещё рано отпускать растяжку ствола, сделаю это после остановки вертикального роста. Ещё одна неделя "вытягивания" впереди, но цветы уже довольно быстро набирают массу. После обрезки неперспективных веток внизу растения, у меня чесалась рука, которую я запускал в гущу листвы. Это словно крапива, жжет, вызывает раздражение и пока не вымоешь руку с мылом в теплой воде, жжение не уходит. Девочка достаточно липкая, чтоб стать в одну линию с уже выращенными девочками и посоревноваться с ними в эффекте и урожае. Запах изменился до неузнаваемости, теперь она не пахнет кошкой, скунсом.... то, как она пахнет, невозможно описать обычными словами...это похоже на запах разнотравья в одном букете. Кажется что тут смесь запахов: чебрец, мята, мать-и-мачеха, плакун-трава и чертополох. Запах сладкий, медовый, с небольшим пряным горьковатым шлейфом. Внешне цветы начали становиться похожими на молодые одуванчики, слегка подкрасив свои стигмы в желтый цвет. После обрезки слаборазвитых мест я попил чай, заварив на свежую в кипятке несколько молодых цветов и листьев. Замечательное пойло, очень полезное для внутренних органов, особенно для пищевода, желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки. Поднял лампу на 10 сантиметров, сохраняя расстояние между лампой и верхушкой растения - 60 сантиметров. Чуть поднял мощность лампы - 75%, от растения 60 сантиметров, 35000lux, лампа слегка теплая. при покупке примени код и получи скидку 😀👌 код: GDVIP Замечательный опыт, шикарный рост и необыкновенная генетика, подаренная природой! Спасибо всем за комментарии и оценки, друзья! Пихаем воз дальше, выше, в гору. 👍😁👌
Harvest time, both divine storm ladies did amazing under the Mars-Hydro TSW2000. Pheno 1 was an absolute monster! Huge dense buds!! Pheno 2, while the runt of the grow, also produced impressive buds. Will update in 7-10 days with weight and initial smoke report. Update - April 16 - dry weight of 47 grams on DS2 and 77 grams on DS1. Results are close to round 1 grow, very impressed with the TSW2000 light!
This week i flushing a plant 7-10days and use ice burn then close a light before hardvest 2days.
Harvest time, both divine storm ladies did amazing under the Mars-Hydro TSW2000. Pheno 1 was an absolute monster! Huge dense buds!! Pheno 2, while the runt of the grow, also produced impressive buds. Will update in 7-10 days with weight and initial smoke report. Update - April 16 - dry weight of 47 grams on DS2 and 77 grams on DS1. Results are close to round 1 grow, very impressed with the TSW2000 light!