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Day 57 No water new bigger fan loosely tied her in and dropped net an inch - most hopefuls had made it up there themselves but some need encouragement - anyway pics speak for themselves Day 58 500ml plain rain She looks a little confused - she hasn't got all the stuff off from underneath yet - just letting a couple of latecomers get to the net, then I'll whip the lower factory leaves off and fim for last time Day 59 Just 100ml plain rain - nutes tomorrow Day 60 2:1000ml TIger Bloom Grow Big 1.5:1000ml Calmag 3:1000ml Big Bloom 7:1000ml Unsulph Molasses in 700ml pH6.7 water Temp 27C rH55 Last Grow Big - Bloom all way now Day 61 Got the temp / rH just right now she is drinking 800ml 6.5pH rain water in 24hr period - lights good height but loads of room to raise so that's cool. Checked for mites - found a black one a week ago and squished it - defoliation prob helped a great deal coz no signs anywhere of any larvae, Love the genetics of this plant. The uniformity of the leaves just stunning - would be a good mother - did try cloning a few cuttings but 3 wks into flower... It is a myth you can't do cuttings in early flower but it is way harder than doing them like 2 wks before and before you throw the hormones all over the place by transitioning LOL and as I can't be bothered to do it properly - they will most likely all die 😁 just did coz hate to throw away a stem cutting 😏 - lol they all died Day 62 300ml ph6.5 water Day 63 3:1000ml Big Bloom 2:1000ml Tiger Bloom 1.5:1000ml Calmag 7:1000ml Unsulphured Molasses in 670ml pH6.5 rainwater
From seed - LA Kush Cake - Just about done- Started flush three days ago. Very stinky and sticky now- piney lemon aromas of stankkkk kushhhh La kush cake can run into mid October but going to pull sooner than 15th probably… Caterpillars became very active last week and I’ve been picking one off my my top cola every twelve hours or so :/ … luckily they’ve focused on two specific plants so just babying them now making sure they don’t destroy all my gorgeous work. Lil buggards burrow into the nugs decay the buds fast so precious state right now during this time of year/ state of plant.
-> #Chemical Bride 2 is just awesome for the quantity she will produce I guess ! -> #Chemical bride 1 ultimately, she forms bitton buds that smell like strawberries 🍓🍓🍓 not cherry 🍒🍒🍒
Hello growers, All was good this week, Just a bit troubled by my phmetter, I would like check calibrate, and I've uncalibrate it... several water with a bad and very lowest ph, I've seen and solved the problem quickly. I've put them In 12 12, (09/28) Stretch in progress, I need to work the lst each day, I've make defoliation, she look better now. Next week will be blooming week, Have a good smoking and growing week :)
Set up Scrog in the start of the week. Foliar fed with CalMag + Iron 3 times this week. Defoliated lower shoots and fan leaves mid week. Raised ph in reservoir to 6.1 because the runoff was coming out at 5.2 ph. Now the runoff is at a steady 5.6 ph.
Set up Scrog in the start of the week. Foliar fed with CalMag + Iron 3 times this week. Defoliated lower shoots and fan leaves mid week. Raised ph in reservoir to 6.1 because the runoff was coming out at 5.2 ph. Now the runoff is at a steady 5.6 ph.
Set up Scrog in the start of the week. Foliar fed with CalMag + Iron 3 times this week. Defoliated lower shoots and fan leaves mid week. Raised ph in reservoir to 6.1 because the runoff was coming out at 5.2 ph. Now the runoff is at a steady 5.6 ph.
Set up Scrog in the start of the week. Foliar fed with CalMag + Iron 3 times this week. Defoliated lower shoots and fan leaves mid week. Raised ph in reservoir to 6.1 because the runoff was coming out at 5.2 ph. Now the runoff is at a steady 5.6 ph.
Estas 2 ultimas semanas se utilizara cake de cropsalt para que la planta engorde mas sus flores, gane mas tricomas y mejore su sabor , las autoflorecientes en hidroponia crecen mucho y dan grandes producciones
Fruit Automatic - Dinafem Segunda semana de cultivo. Tengo muchas expectativas con esta variedad de Dinafem. He visto cultivos de compañeros realmente buenos y espero llegar!!! A mediados de la segunda semana se la implementado los nutrientes que aparecen reflejados. Además, aportando quelato de hierro para estimular la clorofila de la planta y tierra de diatomeas para prevenir futuras plagas terrestres. Al igual que sus dos compañeras de viaje, crece por día y sana.
Da dies mein erster indoor grow ist, hab mich entschieden die Pflanzen nicht zu trainieren nur beobachten und lernen was sie unter der Lampe brauchen. 03.10. This week begins with a video 04.10 Nach Behandlungen sehen die Girls nun lebendig und froh aus. Auch die Kleine von gelb wird sie wieder grün.. 08.10 Die Pflanzen habe ich nur einmal Salze direkt auf der Erde gestreut, VORSICHT nicht zuviel und nicht direkt unter der Planze. Gegossen wurde nur mit Wasser mit CalMag und BioHeaven. Nun sehen sie quicklebendig aus, ausser eine. Diese Salze haben die Aeste sehr gut entwickelt. Salze: AMMONIUMSULFAT 20,6 % N - 58% So3 Lampe: 50-60 cm volle Leistung. Bis jetzt bin ich mit der Hydromars TSW2000 voll zufrieden. und von Anfang an blieb ich auf gleicher Höhe. Denn es sind die Pflanzen die gegen das Licht gehen. In der Blütenzeit werde ich die Distanz verkürzen. Und tatsächlich brauchen die Pflanzen unter dieses Licht mehr CalMag.
Hey hey growmies! another longer week, as I wanted to show these girls bouncing back from some problems I ran into with my Kratky experiment. about halfway through the week my plants started drooping and showing signs of overwatering, my guess is either the plant outgrew her air roots or the reservoir was too hot, inhibiting the plants ability to take up oxygen. either way, a quick peek at the roots showed some very healthy looking noodles, so I decided to not take any chances and come up with a solution that would solve both those problems. I took a 3 litre container, put a coat of primer and black paint on it to keep light out, then a layer of plumbers tape to bounce some of the grow lights off of the container, theoretically keeping the heat out, some other things I could have done was paint it white, or put some wall insulation around it. I could have also kept my jars and tried some troubleshooting, fill them less and more often. but I am happy with the roots created by Kratky, that's the nice thing about that system, it forces the roots to grow more horizontally, the roots have now created a sturdy foundation for low stress training and are perfect for placing into DWC. so that's what I did, I added a tiny pump and air stone, and for now both plants will sit in this tiny container, The Runtz will be moved to the tent as soon as possible, hopefully before these girl's roots get entangled, If that does happen, I will have to trim back some of the Runtz roots, I don't want to hurt the autoflower. now you've likely wondered what is up with the host of deficiencies the plants are showing, honestly that's just neglect on my part. I can tell there's damage from overwatering, pH fluctuations and even some lockouts. I am more on top of it now, the pH is more stable, the plants are getting oxygen and will recover plenty before flower. Plus I get to show off how hardy ruderalis is, look at the auto-flower compared to the photo period, she barely cares about the high temps, pH fluctuations all she appears to want is more food, so I have increased the ec to 1 ms, but most importantly, ill keep the pH in a range where they can actually take up the nutrients now That's it for now Growmies, Thanks for checking out my diary. Would you like to grow Runtz by Zamnesia yourself? Be sure to use the Growdiaries discount code "GROWITGD" on their website for 10% off. 😉 this is a sister diary to my Zamnesia Wedding Cake Automatic grow over here: Stay safe and keep growing!