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Day 50 of flower. Dimmed the lights back. I will more then likely start my flush on day 60. #2 and #4 both are turning purple. Happy growing everyone!
Day 38 since flipping and I'm loving what I see. This girls LOVES to eat so I had to switch my feeding cycle to feed, feed, water, instead of feed, water, water. The strong orange citrus aroma is oh so lovely! In the next couple of weeks she should start packing on more weight. I can tell that they are heavy already just but the swaying of the cola from air circulation. I think I messed up by removing my scrog net but I'll tie her up and give her support as needed!
week 4 I apologize for the confusion this diary has gotten. week 5 here in reality was the third week of flowering. this beauty is in the middle of flowering, week4, according to RoyalQueenSeeds. Fast flowering 7-8 weeks. I'm starting to get a little more relaxed with this little one. I see progress, it's about time !!! the buds are starting to fatten. I don't expect large quantities but a lot of quality. At this point I can't have a very accurate guess because it's still halfway through but if it's to guess, maybe I can get a yield of 130 grams. 130 smokeable grams !! it's not like most diaries that have the final weight with branches 'n no trimming 😝🤣what do you think? stay tuned and tell me somethin' 😏🤞
As if spring had sprung, the signs of wonderful bounty in the form of early flowers . I was unsure if to start bloom nutes or wait until next week , but as it’s so often the case if you look and listen , they speak . Another 4 weeks or so in my book , although it hasn’t been published. Until next time … happy growing .
Hello one and all , happy growing. This week I switched to bloom nutes and the girls have reacted well. The Shogun line up has worked a treat , with no issues since the beginning. There have been a few amputees ,as my mainlining adventures have taken me down the broken-stem-rabbit hole. As many of you know these are resilient creatures and have bounced back but not without a major loss of yield , come harvest. I’m at odds with myself as I find it almost impossible NOT to try LST/HST/ tying down etc. Something has to give and eventually I’ll have to be surgical with my treatment of my beauties. Until next time …. Happy growing.
Herbies Godzilla Cookies popped it's head first with Fastbuds Wedding Glue right behind. Went ahead and put them in their new home to get further acquainted. Using Spring water PH 7.0, 31 ppm. Mixed 50/50 with tap, final ppm of 80 (for now). Then bubbled for atleast 24hrs. Longer the better so all chemistry shit that happens with the co² and carbonic acid can happen and give me more stable water. Less drastic ph swings that way. Res solution: Water 80ppm CalMag plus 4ml/2gal ^2 195-200ppm 4ml/2gal Hydroguard 1.3mL/2gal Flora Micro 1.3mL/2gal Flora Grow 1.3mL/2gal Flora Bloom Needed .75ml ph down to hit 5.81 Final ppm 295 RES stays at 68 with Ice Probe and controller. Has potential to go MUCH lower if wanted. Check ph 8am & 8pm, adjust if needed. *MORE exciting content... Late RES check this AM. I didn't bubble this spring water, just the tap. Bubbling the mixture for 24hrs plus for now on. Adding oxy is aiding in bringing PH up in the RES, along with low nute concententration. Up to 6.42 from 5.81, added .4mL down to bring it back to 5.76 after topping off RES. TDS up to 346 from ph adjustments. *swapped out the POS taotronic humidifier for a reptile fogger hooked up to a pymeter t/h controller. DEFINITELY recommend you check em out. Less then 30 bucks. RES change.. switch from nutecalc to GHE "light" feed. After crunching numbers, decided on mixing 1/2 strength week 2 feed to prep these girls for a higher dose. 2gal water-220ppm 3.6mL Micro-364ppm 3.4mL Grow-441ppm 2.6mL Bloom-482ppm. PH'd to 5.75. *pics are right at lights on, and it looks like they're still sleeping. Adjusted fans a bit since WG showing signs of stress on her leaf edges and curling a bit. Could have been from the other day when I raised the light and cranked it up to warm things up a bit.
💩Holy Crap Growmies We Are Back💩 So what do you say we have some fun 👈 We got some EXOTIC SEEDS 👉 👻👻👻MONSTERMASH👻👻👻 😛 Well my friends we are just at the 35 day mark and as you can see shes doing great 👈 👉 So now i felt i need to start training her over to maximize her growth by doing some LST 👈 Just noticed she's starting to preflower 😛 Hedgehogs incoming 👈 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Holy Crap Growmies We Are Back💩 So what do you say we have some fun 👈 We got some EXOTIC SEEDS 👉 👻👻👻MONSTERMASH👻👻👻 😛 Well my friends we are just at the 35 day mark and as you can see shes doing great 👈 👉 So now i felt i need to start training her over to maximize her growth by doing some LST 👈 Just noticed she's starting to preflower 😛 Hedgehogs incoming 👈 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
Hola cultivadores! Esta chica está seduciendo mi mente cada día, no dejo de verla y darle cuidados, algunas hojas viejas cuentan la historia de una vida de excesos y mucha luz de cerca, pero hoy es una planta fuerte y segura. Se alimenta con ansias ya que el agua de riego desaparece de su maceta en cuestión de horas (además que hay mucha exposición del sustrato). Su etapa de Bloom ya es más que visible y he decidido no hacer defoliación hasta dentro de 2 semanas si fuera necesario. Sus ramas son muy fuertes y creo que no necesita nada más de lo que le doy. Si alguien tiene un sabio consejo se lo agradezco 💐🚵‍♂️🏄‍♂️🌹💚 Saludos a todos y gracias por visitar el diario 😌 Irie!
Hola cultivadores! Esta chica está seduciendo mi mente cada día, no dejo de verla y darle cuidados, algunas hojas viejas cuentan la historia de una vida de excesos y mucha luz de cerca, pero hoy es una planta fuerte y segura. Se alimenta con ansias ya que el agua de riego desaparece de su maceta en cuestión de horas (además que hay mucha exposición del sustrato). Su etapa de Bloom ya es más que visible y he decidido no hacer defoliación hasta dentro de 2 semanas si fuera necesario. Sus ramas son muy fuertes y creo que no necesita nada más de lo que le doy. Si alguien tiene un sabio consejo se lo agradezco 💐🚵‍♂️🏄‍♂️🌹💚 Saludos a todos y gracias por visitar el diario 😌 Irie!
4° Semana- Aeroponía - Mejoría apreciable, las raíces están 100% sanas y la velocidad de crecimiento comienza a ser mayor, además el área de las hojas que realizan fotosíntesis es mayor. Se aumenta concentración de nutrientes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th Week- Aeroponics - Appreciable improvement, the roots are 100% healthy and the speed of growth begins to be greater, in addition the area of ​​the leaves that carry out photosynthesis is greater. Also increasing the concentration of nutrients.
4° Semana- Aeroponía - Mejoría apreciable, las raíces están 100% sanas y la velocidad de crecimiento comienza a ser mayor, además el área de las hojas que realizan fotosíntesis es mayor. Se aumenta concentración de nutrientes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th Week- Aeroponics - Appreciable improvement, the roots are 100% healthy and the speed of growth begins to be greater, in addition the area of ​​the leaves that carry out photosynthesis is greater. Also increasing the concentration of nutrients.
Still having humidity issues it goes up to about 60 at night returned the last dehumidifier ordered another one I’m going try to place it outside the tent to see if that would work if not I’m going to try placing it inside and hang it in the tent. That’s kind of the only issues I’m having Amnesia haze #1 still having some type of issues but I’m going let it ride out I’ve gotten better with PHing the water got a better PH meter also the acinfinity self watering pots are dope I recommend if you’re want a easy automated grow filled them up yesterday Amnesia haze #2 is having a big stretch it seems a lil behind the other haze and she’s stretching as well and after the defoliation she grew more fan leaves I doubt I’ll defoliate her again
Heya Farmers. Lots of growth this week, as you can see in the video I had to do a ton of LST and defoliation! This strain had a lot of hype surrounding it in the community, but here on growth diaries most of the plants looked rather small and flowered after 2 weeks, I'm glad mine seems to be a bit bigger! she also already smells amazing, this early! I'm a little scared as shes still quite short, but if I can get dense little buds, I prefer that over stretchy airy sativas, so I suppose I should be happy, but still, so dense, so much foliage. Hope you join along to see how her flowers turn out, she's already showing some color in the tips of her flowers My Flower lights: My Veg lights: Coupon code BelgianBudtender for 3% off